Friday, December 18, 2020

Psalm 2:10-12 - "Healer"

I am feeling a bit down today. Deaths, illnesses, losses...all of these things are discouraging. I am so thankful for the words of Psalm 2 that encourage me to trust Him. Matthew Henry wrote of these two verses...

Whatever we rejoice in, in this world, it must always be with trembling, because of the uncertainty of all things in it. To welcome Jesus Christ, and to submit to him, is our wisdom and interest. Henry concludes: Blessed will those be in the day of wrath, who, by trusting in Christ, have made him their Refuge.

I needed this reminder today. I must not stop trusting Him. I must not give up. I must not allow the 'junk' of this world to play havoc on my emotions. God is greater than anything that comes my way. He is greater than being tired of being tired. He is greater than loneliness. He is greater than the tears that fall. Plain and simple. He is greater! I am grateful for this knowledge. I know it. I believe it. I desire to live it out in my life. 

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for encouraging me so greatly! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for going before me and giving Your wisdom with decisions that need made! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. Thank You for Ferreira's having me over last night for dinner! Father, continue to be with my family with another death. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Trust! Amen.

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