Sunday, December 13, 2020

Psalm 15 - "We Won't Be Shaken"

The Lord took me to Psalm 15 this morning. As I read it in different translations, I was blessed in the reminder the way to live is holy living. Living for the Lord is where I desire to live. Living in His presence, seeking His will is where I know I am content. Someone recently asked me how I could be happy when my life was falling apart. My answer was easy. I do not feel like it is falling apart. I believe God is in control and He has a reason for everything that happens. In The Passion Translation Psalm 15 describes those who seek holy living as: They will never be shaken; they will stand firm forever. This reminds me of a song Building 429 sings.

Whatever will come our way
Through fire or pouring rain
We won't be shaken
No we won't be shaken
Whatever tomorrow brings
Together we'll rise and sing
That we won't be shaken
No we won't be shaken

Woo hoo! There have been many disappointments in my life these last few months. Plans were changed that broke my heart. But God is constantly here with me. He encourages me to press on when I just want to go to bed and cover up my head. He is here loving on me when I feel like nothing is going right. I know He is watching over me and protecting me even when I can't see it. Praise His Holy Name! Matthew Henry wrote of this Psalm: The way to heaven, if we would be happy, we must be holy. We are encouraged to walk in that way. Yes! Holy living is the way I desire to live. Oh how I pray for more people to have the same desire.

Dear Jesus:
Thank You for the reminder this morning of the importance of living in Your presence! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of You! Thank You for going before me and opening doors that need opened and closing those that need closed! Father, I pray for pastors this morning who need to feel Your strength in a mighty way. There are so many who have cancelled services due to COVID numbers rising in their area. There are so many who do not have the capability to have on-line services. It is hard to stay connected with on-line services. I cannot even imagine not being able to at least do them. I pray for the pastors who are struggling with COVID themselves or in family members. I pray they will experience Your healing touch. I pray for Ben and Colleen with the death of his mother yesterday to COVID. I praise You for Hal Perkins and Darryl Moody being released from the hospital. Father, be so real to all of us. I pray the message You gave me to share this morning to be received in the way You desire. Thank You Jesus for being My Holiness! Amen.

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