Thursday, November 5, 2020

Psalm 87 - "Everything"

This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 87. I read it in different versions and loved The Passion Translation. This Psalm is about Christ being our Foundation. This reminded me of our discussion in last night's Bible study about the wise man who built his house upon the rock and the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. Since moving to this area I have been reminded of the importance of a firm foundation in sandy conditions. I cannot begin to imagine the work that goes into building a house down here. It is no wonder we do not have basements. When a house is built on our sandy soil, there must be more work put into the foundation so it does not crumble. We, as believers, need to set our lives upon the Rock but we also must work to keep our foundation strong. This takes spending time with God, reading His Word, praying, fasting, and most of all living in His presence so we will walk in obedience to His will. We must keep Jesus as our Foundation. We must seek Him at all time. Matthew Henry wrote of the first part of this chapter: Christ himself is the Foundation of the church, which God has laid. Holiness is the strength and firmness of the church. Holiness is where I find my strength. I do not have to feel like my foundation is being swept away by the waves that crash over me but instead know I am living in His will and He will not allow anything to knock me down. I do not have to fear the things the enemy puts before me but instead know God is greater than anything that comes my way. This Psalm shows us how when we live in His will He will bless us with eternal life with Him. I love verse seven...

Spurgeon wrote of this verse: If all my springs are in God, then let all my streams flow to God. All the rivers run into the sea, because they all came from the sea. It was from the sea that the sun drew up the clouds which fed the thousand rills which fall into the rivers, and so the rivers run back to the sea. Let us do the same. What we have had from God must go to God.

This reminds me of how the Beaufort River is salt water because it flows in and out of the Atlantic Ocean. I am the river and God is the ocean. The tide goes in and out and encompasses both the river and ocean. God flows in and out of me and encompasses my whole being. Everything I am is because of God. Everything I will be in the future is because of God. All of my moments on this earth are because of Him and all of my moments in heaven will be because of Him. He is the reason I live. He is the reason I do what I do every day as I bask in His presence. For the last couple days I have had the song Leslie sang at Doc's Celebration of Life service here in South Carolina going through my mind and flowing off my lips. What a blessing to have this reminder!

God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping...

Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything

God in my hoping
There in my dreaming
God in my watching
God in my waiting

God in my laughing
There in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing

Yes! He is my Everything and for that I am so grateful! The more of Him I take in, the more of Him will spill out. The more I lean into Him, the stronger my foundation of faith will become. I am so grateful for the way He loves on me so much. I am grateful for the way He directs me. I am grateful for the rest He provided yesterday. I am grateful for the day that is ahead and for wherever He leads me. Plain and simple. I am grateful.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for being Everything I need! Thank You for being with me throughout the day yesterday as it was the two month anniversary of Doc leaving! Thank You for the rest You provided! Thank You for continuing to guide me! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing so You can ooze out of me. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a more intentional way than ever before. Father, I pray for people to see/hear You in me today and desire to be in relationship with You. I pray You will shine brightly through me. Lord, when You put someone before me that is hurting I pray for You to use me as a soothing balm. Thank You for being My Everything! Amen.

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