Thursday, March 26, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Holy Water"

The Lord woke me at 2:45AM with an urgency to pray for those in the front-lines. Doctors, nurses, x-ray technicians, lab technicians, fire personnel, EMS workers, police, etc. After praying for them He had me pray for grocery store workers who not only are in the public but have to deal with the public. Many people are stressed over what is going on and not acting nice. When I finished praying, I thought about how praying is perhaps the only thing that is 'normal' in my life. It is difficult to not be out and about loving on people. It was so good to have Bible study last night even though it was done through the internet. I still was able to 'see' people and hear their voices. That filled my emotional tank up fast! I'm so bummed my Momma's laptop isn't working right. I can't imagine being alone and then having my laptop not work. She is like me and a people person. Not being able to be connected to people is tough. Thankfully she still has her phone! If nothing else, this time of life we are experiencing right now has taught us all how dependent we have become on technology and the things in life that make life 'easier' for us. Hopefully, people are realizing Jesus is what we need to be dependent upon. He is what will make life 'easier' for us. That does not mean life will be easy but it does mean He will be our strength to get through such times. Coronavirus is just another thing to add to my list of things the Lord saw me through. I thought MS, breast cancer, hurricanes, and cancer in my husband's pancreas were big things but this virus is pretty big. I will continue standing on II Timothy 1:7 in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. I will not fear today or the days ahead. I will allow God to love others through me in an intentional way. I will ask Him to keep my focus on Him so I can not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunities You gave me yesterday to love on people! Thank You for the opportunities You are going to give me today! Thank You for waking me in the night to pray! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of Your Holy Spirit. May You be my words/actions so people will hear/see You through me today in a more intentional way. Thank You for the box of chocolate chips from Cathy and the masks from Dorothy yesterday! Thank You for the words of encouragement given by many through texts and messages on Facebook! Thank You for Doc being up more yesterday and able to accomplish some things he has been wanting to do! May You continue to be his strength! Father, I pray for those who are going through some difficult situations right now. Dave; David; Dakota; Martha; Carletta; Freddie and his father-in-law; my Momma; everyone quarantined; those who have tested positive for the virus and their families; those who have lost jobs due to the virus; pastors and church leaders as they are working toward keeping the flock together in such times and preparing for Sunday services; and again for those working on the front-lines. Lord, I pray blessings over Joshua today with his appointment. Father, draw us closer to You. Enable all to see You are who we need to depend upon every day, not just these days of uncertainty. Lord, help me to be more motivated today! Thank You for being My Focus! Amen.

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