Saturday, March 7, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Hills and Valleys"

Every time I was awake during the night the Lord had these words going through my mind from a song Tauren Wells sings...

On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the one who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes to the one who sees me there
When I'm standing on the mountain aft, didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley end, no I am not alone!
You're God of the hills and valleys!
Hills and Valleys!
God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone!

Yes! I am never alone! He is with me on the mountains and He is with me in the valleys of life. He is my continued strength. As I was crying out to Him during the night about some situations, He reminded me to stay living in the Spirit and not to allow my flesh to creep in. When people or circumstances disappoint, I cannot allow the enemy an open door but instead I need to trust God through such times. He reminded me of the empowerment I receive when I allow Him to love me with His love as II Timothy 1:7 says. He reminded me about how He is always with me no matter what happens. I am grateful for such reminders. I am especially grateful for them being the truth. In this day ahead, I may think I know what I want to happen but God knows what needs to happen. I cannot fret over anything but instead stand in His empowerment that He knows the final outcome. I need to be focused on Him so He can work in and through me in a more intentional way than ever before. I don't want to miss any opportunity He puts before me but instead I desire to walk in obedience to His will. I must remember that people/circumstances will disappoint but God will never disappoint. The definition for disappointment is: "to be discouraged or sad because of an unmet expectation regarding someone or something." I need to be more focused on what God desires so I do not have any 'unmet' expectations. The more I pray and listen to Him, the less I will be disappointed. When things do not go as I think they should, it will be OK because I know God is in control. When prayers don't get answered as I desire, it will be OK because I know God is in control. When people do not respond as I desire, it will be OK because I know God is in control. Plain and simple. No matter what, it will be OK because I know God is in control. Woo hoo! I love this quote I read:

“When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be.”

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for always being with me! Thank You for the way You work in and through me! Thank You for Doc feeling a little better yesterday! Thank You for my time with friends at the Assisted Living Facility! Thank You for giving me this song during the night to remind me I am never alone! Thank You for being with Melanie and Terri as they continue to seek employment! Thank You for being with all who are battling disease in their bodies! I pray for You to be their strength. Doc; Mick; Mike; Amanda; Mr. Fran; Holly; Amanda's Daddy; my pastor friend; the 24 year old man who had brain surgery; Little Richie as he draws closer to his last chemo; Paula; and so many others. I pray for families of those who are going through 'tough' days especially Sharon and her family and those involved in the tornadoes in Tennessee. I pray especially for those who are not in relationship with You to have someone who will make a difference in their life so they will have You as their Hope. Thank You Jesus for being God of My Hills and Valleys! Amen.

1 comment:

Beth Meneely said...

So true, I have been learning for years to let go of my expectations and have had far less disappointment in my life. I haven't been completely successful but am making progress. I so often get stuck on the chorus of the song "Hills and Valleys" and don't absorb the verse, it is so worth it to have the words written out and be able to read and contemplate them. Thank you. I pray the same for me and others around me.