Monday, January 20, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 4:26-27 - "Let It Fade"

Grace was the topic the Lord and I discussed during the night. He had me praying for marriages. Some are struggling while others are thriving. Some are beginning while others have been many years in the making. God reminded me that we need to not only receive grace from Him but we need to give grace to others. There is a difference in the two. God's grace is described in the dictionary as: unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. The grace we need to show others is described as: approval, favor, mercy, pardon. We need to live in God's grace so we can practice grace with others. As we live a life sold-out to Him we are more apt to practice grace with others as we love with His love. The amount of 'fights' clearly lessened after Doc and I gave ourselves completely to Him. Not only did they lessen but even when we disagree the disagreements do not go into full blown fights as before. Why? Because God is in the center of our marriage. I loved what Keven Hughes said in response to how happy he looks with his recent wedding. 

"I am so blessed to be able to call this amazing woman my wife. She is the embodiment of God's unmerited and overwhelming love for us. God's love story in our young relationship has already been better than any Hallmark movie, and we are only just beginning. We have committed to putting Christ first in our relationship. I am so grateful for this partner in life who is willing to put God first and me second and love me for doing the same. I am overwhelmed with how much love He has given us for each other."

This is the way a marriage needs to be. God first, spouse second. This way of life is how God desires all marriages to be. I am so grateful for my husband being the godly man he is. I am grateful God showed us how to build a marriage to be as He desires. I also am praying for many marriages that are struggling. Some are due to financial woes from making 'bad' decisions. I remember before we said 'yes' to God with our whole beings of having such issues. Financial issues cause a lot of stress on a marriage. Loss of job can play havoc not only finances but on the emotional aspect of life, especially for the one who lost their job. Illness/disease can also cause marriage issues. It is only through God that we have gone this long without Doc having a part-time job and yet still keeping up with our bills. Some weeks I'm not sure how things get paid yet God always comes through. He is glorified through this time in many ways. Why? Because we have chosen to walk in obedience to His will. When we first moved to South Carolina, we 'knew' he would have to be bi-vocational in order for us to financially make it. The first nine months when he didn't find a job we questioned yet continued walking by faith. God knew it would be best for Doc to not be working a part-time job throughout my female surgery and then breast cancer diagnosis, surgeries, and radiation. He knew what we both needed. I needed Doc to be with me for emotional support. He needed to be with me for emotional support. His mother died at age 55 from breast cancer. I was diagnosed at age 55 with it. There was a lot of stress during those months but God saw us through. He continues to see us through these days with the cancer in Doc's pancreas. These past few days He gave us 'good' ones because of how 'bad' the previous week was. He provides emotional, mental, physical, financial, and most of all spiritual strength for us. Oh, how I pray for more marriages to be blessed in this way. I pray for more married couples to realize the need to give grace to one another. We all have 'bad' days where we are crabby but we don't have to stay there. We also don't have to say nasty things to one another but if we do, we need to apologize and the other person needs to extend grace. Paul's teaching in Ephesians 4 about Christian Living includes:

 26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

These three pieces of teaching are crucial in a marriage.
  1. Do not sin in your anger.
  2. Don't go to bed angry.
  3. Don't give the enemy an open door into your life.
If married couples followed these guidelines, their marriage would be more pleasant. In order to do this, both spouses need committed to God. I am grateful for the commitment of our marriage. I am grateful when Doc said we were leaving Ohio God gave the same desire in my heart. I am grateful when 'tough' days come I can stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in God's empowerment instead of the enemy's fear. I am grateful for second chances and grace both from God and Doc. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving us so greatly! Thank You for being the Head of our marriage! Thank You for the way You will be glorified through healing Doc's body! Thank You for him being strong enough to preach yesterday! Thank You for a good night's rest! Thank You for the marriage of Kevin and Michelle who have publicly proclaimed what marriage is about! I pray for Timmy and Jordan to have You as the Head of their marriage. Father, I pray for many who have lost their spouse. I pray especially for those who are still struggling with the newness of the loss. Steve, Nancy, Corrie, Shirley, Renee, Peggy, Pattie, Patty, Jim, and many others. I also pray for the marriages who are struggling. I praise You for the husband/father that went back to his wife saying his mind was changed. What an answer to prayer! I pray for a newly divorced couple who are trying to work things out; a couple with the husband ready to leave; a couple with the wife not living up to her marriage vows; and all to have You as the Head of their marriage. Lord, cleanse me today so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. I pray I will be more intentional on loving You so I can love my husband in a more godly way. Thank You Jesus for being Who I Put First! Amen.

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