Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hebrews 13:5 - "Even If"

The words to "Even If" are going through my mind as I pray for pastors who are going through some difficult times. Some are in times of despair in not knowing what to do next in their ministry. Some are going through tough times with family situations. Some have health issues that are trying. I pray they will remember the words to this song...

I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You'd just say the word
But even if You don't
My hope is You alone

The Lord is their hope no matter what they are going through. There are times when it is hard to hold onto His hope because of circumstances. There are also times when it seems like nothing is going right and we want to give up. He did not put us on this earth to give up but instead He put us here to be victorious. His death on the cross was for us. The desire of His heart is to for us to be Christ-like in our words, actions, and attitude. The way we can do this is to have hope in Him and allow the Holy spirit to empower us through 'good' and 'bad' times. When we cry out to Him, it may seem like He is not listening. There are times our hurts and pain continue no matter what we do. We must remember that He is still with us and what we are going through will only last for a season. The more we seek Him, the deeper our faith will go. If our circumstances are not changing, perhaps it is because we need to go deeper with Him. Or perhaps we need to listen to Him in a different way. No matter what, we cannot give up. I am praying for several pastors who are at the point of wanting to give up...

  • one with continual physical issues to be healed
  • those with financial issues in their church to be enlightened to the root cause of such issues
  • those with conflict in their church body to have a healing in people's souls so the conflict can be resolved
  • those who are tired...physically, mentally, and emotionally to find rest in Jesus
I pray for each of them to go deeper in their faith. I pray they will allow the Holy Spirit to empower them to not only get through these tough days but to come out victorious in the end. I pray the enemy will be knocked down in each situation. Most of all I pray for them to feel their Heavenly Father's arms wrapped around them in a mighty way. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the privilege to pray for pastors. Thank You for those praying for us. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Be my words, actions, and attitude today in a mighty way. May You shine through me. Lord, I pray for the associate pastor who is filling the pulpit today. It is so exciting to know You placed a sermon on their heart four weeks ago without them having any knowledge they would be preaching. I love to see how You work in people who are willing to be Your servant. May all believers, not just pastors, have the desire in their hearts to allow You to mold them into being who You desire them to be. Thank You Jesus for being My Molder. Amen.

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