Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ephesians 6:10-17 - "Forgiven"

I was awake throughout the night and each time these words were going through my mind...

Forgiven! Forgiven!
Child there is freedom from all of it
Say goodbye to every sin
You are forgiven!

I started praying for those who need to repent before the Lord for the first time along with those who have accepted Him into their heart but have strayed away from Him. I prayed for those who have strayed to realize He has not left them. He is always there for Him but He is a gentleman and waits on them to come back to Him. He loves all and desires to have all in relationship with Him. He also desires to have those who are in relationship with Him to give their all to Him. All of their checkbook, their time, their family...all. Not part but all. There are many believers who have not chosen this route. I do not understand why anyone would not and continue to pray for them to realize how life can be so different if they would only do so. There is peace in such a life. There is freedom in such a life. There is contentment in such a life. It does not mean life is perfect. In fact, I would say it is even harder in the sense of fighting against the enemy but it is easier because nothing is done on your own strength. His strength is available in abundance. I am at the point in life where it seems like one attack starts before one is done. I won't say I get discouraged by it but there are times I feel very tired of it. But I won't give up. The Lord gives me His full armor every day to put on and I am grateful for that.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the blessings ahead in this day. Thank You for safety on the roads and good weather traveling. I praise You for protection. I also praise You for Your cleansing power that comes down over me every day so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May people see/hear You instead of me today in my word, actions and attitude. May You be greater than me. Thank You Jesus for being My Full Armor. Amen.

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