Friday, July 22, 2016

II Timothy 1:7 - "No Longer Slaves"

The Lord planted a 'dream' into me at District Assembly. Actually, there were two 'dreams' He gave me that I am excited to see come into being. As I have been praying about them the doubts started to enter and very quickly I was reminded of II Timothy 1:7...

Amen! He did not give me these 'dreams' without empowering me to fulfill them. It is just like I told someone the other day, He did not bring us here to fail. When life is challenging, we must remember He is our strength. He loves us and wants to see us thrive where He puts us. He wants us to use the tools He gives us to further His Kingdom. This morning when I woke up to "No Longer Slaves" I was blessed in knowing just how true these words are. I must not only believe them but I must embrace them. I must pray the enemy away. I must stand in the mighty power of God and do His will. 

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

We truly do not have to be fearful of anything, including our future. He is in control of all. Yes, the enemy can play havoc in our lives but we must deeply be grounded in Christ to give the enemy no foothold. There are times the Lord allows things to happen in our lives to see how we will react to them. Once again, we must stand on II Timothy 1:7 throughout those times.

I am surrounded
By the arms of the father
I am surrounded
By songs of deliverance

We've been liberated
From our bondage
We're the sons and the daughters
Let us sing our freedom

When we are His children, we have His freedom! There is no better place to live than in freedom. Bondage to fear can be crippling. Bondage to sin can keep us from doing the Lord's will. Bondage to what happened in the past disables us to do His will. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for these truths today through Your Word and through this song. Thank You for freeing me to be Your servant. Thank You for my past being just past. Thank You for enabling me to let go of things in order for You to work in and through me. Thank You for the 'dreams' You have put on my heart. I am looking forward to seeing them come into existence. Father, the only way that will happen is for You to fill me to overflowing with more of You. Fill me to where Your words are my words and Your actions are my actions. Father, oh how I pray for those who are caught up in bondage. I pray for those who are living in the words spoken over them in the past to be released from such bondage. I pray for those who are allowing the enemy a foothold to take the step of surrender to You. I pray for those who are fearful of taking that step to realize Your love and grace encompasses them when they do. Thank You Jesus for being My Liberator! Amen.

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