Monday, July 25, 2016

Deuteronomy 11:26-28 - "Dear Younger Me"

Dear younger me
Where do I start...

If I knew then what I know now
Condemnation would've had no power
My joy my pain would've never been my worth
If I knew then what I know now
Would've not been hard to figure out
What I would've changed if I had heard

These words were going through my mind when I woke up this morning. This song that Mercy Me sings is one that looks at the past. There is yearning for 'knowing then what is known now' in one's spirit. Sometimes that might be a good thing but many times I believe it would not. God uses our circumstances to see our reaction. He uses our reactions to take us deeper. We cannot live in the past and the 'what ifs' of life. Instead we need to live in today and look for the opportunities the Lord has in store for us. Life can throw us some tough circumstances. Some of them are because of the choices we have made. Praise God He does not make us stay in bad choices but instead allows us freedom through repentance and surrender. We do not have to live in 'junk' but instead can live in His freedom. We do not have to wallow around in misery but instead can live in His peace. These words are easier said than done but they are possible. The key to living in the present and not the past is found through Christ. He is our strength, our hope...our everything when we surrender to Him. We must not only have the desire to allow Him to work in and through our circumstances but then we must surrender to Him. Surrender is not possible in our humanness but it is possible through out spirit. The act of submission to Him can only be accomplished when we realize we are not in control of our lives. He has to be the One to make all the decisions in our life. He has to be allowed to work in and through us every moment of our day. We can no longer manipulate circumstances to make them have the outcome we desire but instead must follow His lead. There are times we feel like we are living in His will when we truly are not. We are holding onto some things or we are making decisions based on what we want instead of listening to Him. Life will not be what He desires of it to be for us until we completely surrender to Him. In the words of Moses...

We have a choice to make each and every day. Will we choose surrender to the Lord or will we choose making decisions based upon what we want? Will we choose blessing or curse? Will we choose life or death?

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder from Moses on our choices. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to make choices. Thank You for not being a Dictator but instead being a Loving Father who allows His children to make decisions that will grow us. Thank You for giving us the choice of life or death. Thank You for the opportunities You put before us each and every day to choose life over death. Lord, eternal life should be everyone's goal. Today I pray for You to ooze out of me in a mighty way so people see and hear You through me. I pray for an abundance of the Holy Spirit to be in me so the decisions I make are Yours and not mine. I pray for more people to surrender to Your will and accept the blessing instead of living in the curse. Empower people to be greater than the enemy. Thank You Jesus for being My Past, My Present and My Future. Amen.

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