Monday, February 15, 2016

Psalm 118:17 - "Healer"

The Lord has given me a mission to fulfill and that is to proclaim what He has done for me. He has done so much and I know will continue to supply what I need. People need to know...
  • He died and rose again...people need to know He is their Savior
  • He loves with an unconditional love...people need to realize such love is available to them in this unlovable world
  • He has a peace available for all...people need to know there is peace in the midst of the storms of life
  • He wants all of us...a life of surrender is the best place to live.
  • He will heal their hurts and His time and to fulfill His purpose.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to share with my church family what He gave me this past week. I pray seeds were planted for people to draw closer to Him. A man came to me afterward with tears in his eyes, thanking me for the sermon. Many said 'good job' but those weren't the words I wanted to hear. What would have made my heart happy were to know people have made the choice to live a life of surrender. I was hoping more would come to Corporate Prayer Time last night but as I told Doc I gave what the Lord gave me to share and it is up to the ones who heard the message to make their decision. It is not my responsibility other than praying for seeds to be cultivated and to grow. My heart breaks for many. I can only imagine what the Lord feels.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You seems so inadequate for all you have done and continue to do for me. You are a God of second chances...a God of unconditional love. I am so thankful for our relationship and I pray for more people to find such relationship. Lord I am surrendered to You. I pray if there is anything in my life not of You, You will eradicate it. Father, fill me with more of You. Lead my steps and my words today...ooze out of me...may people see You instead of me. Thank You Father for being My Everything. Amen.

"Why has God left us on the earth? Is it simply to be saved and sanctified? No, it is to be at work in service to Him. Am I willing to be broken bread and poured-out wine for Him? Am I willing to be of no value to this age or this life except for one purpose and one alone-to be used to disciple men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ? My life of service to God is the way I say "thank you" to Him for His inexpressibly wonderful salvation." Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for the Highest

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