Thursday, February 25, 2016

John 8:31-32 - "All You've Ever Wanted"

Last night was a night of praying but I'm not complaining. I asked the Lord to use me in whatever manner He desires. My night was full of prayers for a young lady who is blatantly sinning. She was raised in a home where Scripture was not only taught but it was lived out. Now, as an adult, instead of living God's way she has chosen satan's way. She is following the laws of the land that allow things instead of God's Word that strictly say it is wrong. My heart breaks for her family but more importantly throughout the night my heart was breaking for her and her mate. They are headed down the path of destruction to hell. I prayed they both would have their eyes opened up and their path would be changed to being one of reconstruction in the Lord. I prayed for their food to taste bad, their bed to be hard...whatever it takes for them to realize the way they are living is not the way the Lord chose for them. Sin is evil. Plain and simple. His desire is for each of us to live a life of holiness. Before we can do that we first must repent of our sins, accept His lead, have the desire in our hearts to be pure before Him. I kept praying they would realize the 'freedoms' of this world are nothing compared to freedom in Christ. Oh how I pray for them to get to the point in their life where they realize they need/want a deeper truth. John 8:31-32 reads, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Yes! These young ladies need freedom from sin. They need freedom to walk in Christ. The only way that will occur is for them to fall on their knees. Until that time I will continue to pray for them. I pray for someone to come into their path that will do or say something to make a difference in their lives. I pray they will realize the Lord's love in a greater way than ever possible. I pray they will get to the point in their life where they realize "Freedom arms are open, My chains have all been broken..." 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to pray for these two young ladies. Lord, as I prayed during the night...whatever it takes to save their souls. Lord, strengthen their families. Wrap Your loving arms around them in a new way. They are hurting so badly with the choices their daughters are making. Father, encourage them to not give up. Encourage them to be on their knees. Encourage them to realize it is not their fault their daughters have chosen evil over good. Lord, fill them up to overflowing with more of Your Holy Spirit. I pray the same for myself. I pray You will flow in and through me today. May Your words be on my tongue and may Your actions be my actions. Thank You Jesus for being My Freedom. Amen. 

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