Saturday, October 10, 2015

Philippians 4:13 - "Cast My Cares"

This morning the Lord woke me up with an urgency to pray for a young couple going through one of the hardest things I have been praying for. I can't remember the exact timing but I believe it was within weeks of their marriage they received the news he has terminal cancer. The doctors have been aggressive with treatments but last week they were told there was nothing more to do. My heart breaks for this young bride and groom. At a time when a couple are usually trying to cope with learning how to live with one another they are in a place where they are struggling through doctors, impending death, etc. I remember the days of my diagnosis with MS. We had only been married five years and that was hard enough. Even though my diagnosis was not terminal it was life shattering. We had to learn how to cope but most importantly we had to learn how to lean on the Lord for His strength and His wisdom. That is exactly what I am praying for Courtney and Shawn. I pray they will find His strength and His wisdom in a whole new way. May the days ahead of them be blessed with making rich memories. Oh how I continue to pray for a miracle of healing within His body while he is on this earth. I pray for their family and friends as they support them through these tough days. Most of all I pray for Jesus' love to encompass them in a way that there is no doubt He is there with them. I pray they can say and know Philippians 4:13 to be their daily, moment-by-moment 'go-to' in such a way that there is no doubt in their minds who is in control. Lord, may Your strength be their strength. I pray they will be able to cast their cares on the Lord in a way that will bring peace to their spirits. Oh, Father, love these two in a wonderful way...enable them to make good memories during these tough days...shower them with love, grace and mercy. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to pray for this young couple who I have never even met. Lord, I also thank You for answered prayer yesterday with another couple. Father, I am so blessed with my husband and oh how I pray for more marriages to be so blessed. Lord, speak to husbands and wives today in a way that will give them a fresh perspective on their marriage. I pray for those who have not made the commitment to marriage yet living together to get to the point where they realize their lives are not what You desire. I pray for parents to have open eyes to the desires of Your heart for their children. Father, Your way is the best way to live. Fill me to overflowing with more of You and less of me as I go throughout this day. I pray for a blessing on the service I am doing today at the cemetery. I pray people will see and hear You in me. Lord, bless my efforts as I endeavor to be a blessing to others. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength. Amen.

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