Monday, May 2, 2022

Philippians 4:13; II Corinthians 12 - "Fear is A Liar"

Yesterday was full of blessings from start to finish. Children's Sunday School, presenting my annual report, preaching, meeting two new friends to go out to dinner and then going to the Anne Wilson/Zach Williams, God! It was a full day and I am exhausted this morning but it is a 'good' tired.The concert brought upon many emotions. As Zach sang "Chainbreaker" my thoughts turned to Doc singing it as he dealt with the cancer. When Anne sang "How Great Thou Art" I had the 'Holy Spirit goosebumps' come down upon me. After becoming a widow the song "Fear Is A Liar" meant so much to me. As a first-time pastor these words were ones I held so close in the beginning of leading the church and still cling to from time to time.

When he told you you're not good enough
When he told you you're not right
When he told you you're not strong enough
To put up a good fight
When he told you you're not worthy
When he told you you're not loved
When he told you you're not beautiful
That you'll never be enough

No matter what situation we find ourselves in the enemy wants to tear us apart. He does not want us to succeed but rather wants us to fail. God desires us to succeed in being who He desires of us. The enemy will pour the lies down upon us but God is there to protect from such lies as we allow Him. I am so thankful for God's love, mercy, and grace that empowers me to knock the enemy down. I am thankful for the way God directs me to stand in His love which is more powerful than the enemy. I am thankful for the way God encourages me to keep on keeping on when life gets overwhelming. Instead of allowing the enemy an open door into my life I need to stand strong in Jesus. Woo hoo! God reminded me of Philippians 4:13 this morning as I pondered upon last night. I am strong enough to be the godly woman God has called me to be. When I rest, my physical and mental strength are renewed. When I make decisions based upon God's wisdom, my financial strength is renewed. When I allow Him to be who He desires in my life, my emotional strength is renewed. Woo hoo! I am so thankful I am not alone in this journey and I have His strength to lean into. I also am thankful for the knowledge God uses my weaknesses to empower me to be strong in Him. II Corinthians 12 speaks of Paul having a 'thorn in the flesh.' We do not know what that thorn is but we do know God was there to help Paul deal with it. Matthew Henry wrote of this Scripture:

This thorn in the flesh is said to be a messenger of Satan which he sent for evil; but God designed it, and overruled it for good. Prayer is a salve for every sore, a remedy for every malady; and when we are afflicted with thorns in the flesh, we should give ourselves to prayer. If an answer be not given to the first prayer, nor to the second, we are to continue praying. Troubles are sent to teach us to pray; and are continued, to teach us to continue instant in prayer. Though God accepts the prayer of faith, yet he does not always give what is asked for: as he sometimes grants in wrath, so he sometimes denies in love. When God does not take away our troubles and temptations, yet, if he gives grace enough for us, we have no reason to complain. Grace signifies the good-will of God towards us, and that is enough to enlighten and enliven us, sufficient to strengthen and comfort in all afflictions and distresses. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Thus his grace is manifested and magnified. When we are weak in ourselves, then we are strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; when we feel that we are weak in ourselves, then we go to Christ, receive strength from him, and enjoy most the supplies of Divine strength and grace.

I love the concept that prayer is a salve for every sore, a remedy for every malady... In yesterday's sermon I spoke about prevailing prayers. That is exactly what Henry is speaking of here. When the enemy tries to put lies upon us, we must stay strong in the Lord. We must allow Him to work in and through us. We must pray through until we receive from the Lord what He desires for us.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the blessings of yesterday with Children's Sunday School, presenting my annual report, preaching, meeting two new friends Vicki and Teri to go out to dinner and going to the Anne Wilson/Zach Williams Concert! Thank You for the blessings in the day ahead! Thank You for loving me so greatly that You continually encourage me to be the godly woman You have called me to be! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May people see/hear You in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. I pray Your peace over many going through 'tough' days. I pray they will not allow the enemy to put lies upon them. My Momma; Ben; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Sharon Sebolt and her Momma Shirley; Serena and her husband; Beth and her family; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; a husband/father separated from his wife; Mary Lilley; Preacher Bill Watts; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; Timmy; Amber; Heather; families in turmoil; Ms Savon's friend; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments... Doug and Gay; Patty's daughter Tracy; Sharon's daughter Ashley and niece Amy; Chrissy's cousins; Shirley Jones; Debbie's husband Kelly; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Betty's husband; my friend with mesothelioma; Judy Link; Little Ivy; my friend with upcoming radiation; and Dorothy's grandson. I pray for: Jonathan whose mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Russ and his family, the Long Family, and Christina and her family. Thank You for continued improvement with Pastor Sam and for Baby Henry having another successful surgery! I pray for Larry Amstutz to have open doors as he seeks new employment. Thank You for continuing to be with Anna, Michael, Matt, and myself as we miss my Rickey being with us! I chucked as I thought about how he might not have enjoyed the concert as much as me last night but he definitely would have loved hearing all the instruments played. Thank You for being My Strength! Amen.

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