Thursday, July 8, 2021

Psalm 79 - "Well Done"

The world is in turmoil with murders, the pandemic, etc. There is more 'bad' then 'good' being heard on the mainstream news. I gave up watching it a long time ago just for that reason. What happened to our nation being built on God? What happened to people loving others and doing good for their neighbor? My heart breaks to see/hear people hurt others. It breaks to see people blatantly turn away from God. I am just one person and cannot change the world. Wait a minute. Yes, I can. I can make a change in the world through God changing me. I can make a change in the way people see God by allowing God to work in and through me. I may be just one little person but my God is big! My God can do anything He desires and He can empower me to do anything He desires me to do. Woo hoo! This morning He took me to Psalm 79. This Psalm is one David wrote complaining about the conditions of the world he lived in. This Psalm is one that could be written today as it describes the way sin has taken over many areas of life. Verse nine stopped me in my tracks. It reads in The Passion TranslationOur hero, come and rescue us! O God of the breakthrough, for the glory of your name, come and help us! Forgive and restore us; heal us and cover us in your love. God could rescue us by bringing Jesus back. He could rescue us by performing a miracle for sin to no longer be happening. There are many ways He could rescue us. But would rescuing us be the best way? If He rescued us, would we fulfill what He has in store for each of our lives? We need to stop and think about what we pray for. Sometimes praying for 'whatever it takes' to get a loved one to believe could mean them facing death. Sometimes praying the prayer of Jabez for God to enlarge our territories (I Chronicles 4:10) means moving seven hundred miles from family.  Sometimes praying for God to reveal His will to you means going back to college to be a preacher. God has rescued me so many times. He has rescued me from known and unknown things. Praise His Holy Name! The ultimate rescue will be when He takes me to heaven for eternity. Woo hoo! I am singing "Well Done" by the Afters this morning...

What will it be like when tears are washed away
And every broken thing will finally be made whole?
What will it be like when I come into Your glory
Standing in the presence of a love so beautiful?

I'm waiting my whole life for that day
I will live my life to hear You say

Well done, well done
My good and faithful one
Welcome to the place where you belong
Well done, well done
My beloved child
You have run the race and now you're home
Welcome to the place where you belong

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your protection from the storms last night and for the peace You gave me throughout the night! I pray You will be with those with property damage and loss today. I pray for people to encourage them with Your love throughout all they are going through. Cleanse me Lord so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be seen/heard through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. May people experience You through me. Father, there are so many people dealing with major things in life. I pray for Your peace for them. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Little Ivy's family; a daughter of a friend with cancer found on her kidney and awaiting surgery; Gay and Doug; Debbie as she recuperate from back surgery and my classmate Jack who continues recuperating; Melanie; four friends with career issues/changes; and so many others. I praise You for Ben doing better; Ben getting stronger; Chrissy having good results from her procedure yesterday; the good discussion in Bible study last night; friends who checked on me with the storm; and so many other blessings. Lord, be with all who are feeling disappointed today to feel Your love. I know I am disappointed to have to cancel seeing Kelbley's and Joyce. I pray for a friend who found out they did not receive a job they interviewed for to receive Your peace. I pray for Rickey to have a good day as he teaches. Thank You again for our time of doing life together last weekend. Lord, You are such a blessing and I am thankful for all the ways You love on me! Thank You for being My Hero! Amen.

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