Sunday, May 23, 2021

Philippians 4:13 - "Never Been A Moment"

Last night the thought 'mind over matter' went through my mind. I chuckled at the way God encourages me. He knew I was wiped out from the Parking Lot Sale yesterday. It was a blessed day with seeing my people fellowship, love on the people who came, beautiful day weather wise, etc. It was a blessed day in making contact with many people. I love the servant hearts seen yesterday. I love the smiles on faces and the love of Jesus in voices. I love people and I love to love on them with Jesus' love. Opportunities like yesterday are special nuggets in my memory bank. Last night before falling asleep I prayed for pastors, including myself, to be good leaders. I prayed we would all have servant hearts so people would see what it means to live doing what God desires. During the night I only woke up once but when I did I prayed for pastors who are feeling burned out from ministry to get back to their First Love and allow Him to heal their hurting souls. This morning my body is moving slow. It would rather go back to bed but God reminded me 'mind over matter' I must lean into His strength to not just get through this day but to glorify Him through it. I must lean into His empowerment to receive what He has for me. I must lean into His love to experience it more so I can share it more. Plain and simple, I must allow Him to work in and through me. He will be faithful in being everything I need today as I am faithful in my relationship with Him. I am reminded of the saying He gave me for the May sermon series. God's faithfulness gives us a faith that leads to our faithfulness. Wow, God! You are so, so good! This morning I was reminded of the lyrics to "Never Been A Moment" and was blessed in abundance with the knowledge He is always with me no matter what is going on. 

There's never been a moment
I was not held inside your arms
And there's never been a day when you were not who you say you are
Yours forever, it don't matter
What I'm walking through
'Cause no matter where I'm going
There's never been a moment that I was not loved by you
Loved by you
Loved by you

Woo hoo! I am so grateful for the knowledge that He loves me. I am grateful for the way He encourages me through His Word, songs, people, circumstances, etc. Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for all of the seeds that were planted yesterday! Thank You for Your love shared to many! Thank You for giving strength to all of us to not just get through the day but to glorify You through it! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. May You be seen/heard through me. Father, I prayed for pastors before going to bed, once during the night and again this morning. May You be exactly what each one of us need to be Your servants. May You be allowed into the lives of those burned out from ministry so You can restore them. I am so grateful for the restoration process You continue in me. You give me what I need and for that I am grateful. I am grateful for the people You have put in my life. Talking with Rickey, people praying and checking on me, my call from Pastor Sam, hugs...what encouragement You give! Lord, this morning I not only pray for pastors but also their families. I pray You will be so close to all. I also pray for: my Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary with health issues; Little Ivy's family; Owen; Chrissy's family members with health issues; Sharon Martin; Elizabeth; Lee; Melanie; Carrie; Jack and Paula; the man who will be taken off life support today; and many more going through 'tough' days. May You be greater than the hurts of life. Thank You Jesus for being My First Love! Amen.

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