Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Psalm 91 - "Confidence"

Yesterday was filled with emotions. It was also filled with Scripture. As I was reading a new book on loss the Lord brought to my mind how He wanted Sunday's sermon to be. In the conversation He reminded me of Scripture we memorized in the January sermon series.

Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions.With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Proverbs 3:5-6 TPT


The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14


For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. II Timothy 1:7 TPT


“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17:7 NIV

My dear friend Joyce brought Luke 10:38-41 before us in our grief group last night. She reminded us to be present in the moment as we seek to be in Jesus' presence. After a situation in our neighborhood at bedtime the Lord took me to Psalm 91 and had me settle in on verses nine through eleven so I would have peace to go to sleep. One of the points in the sermon for Sunday is that we need to trust God's Word. I wrote, "If we do not trust God’s Word to be truth, we have no basis for living the life God desires for us." There is such truth in this statement. I am so thankful for His Word that keeps me close to Him. I am thankful for the knowledge that His Word is inspired by Him. I am thankful for the way His Word encourages me through days like yesterday that were so emotional. The tears fell when the inspection of the building passed. They were tears of joy that soon turned into tears of sorrow as I thought about how much work Doc put into the project yet he never was given the opportunity to preach in the building. I thought about how I have such little knowledge of rehabbing yet my knowledge has grown in this process. I was chatting with a new friend about what needs to happen from here for us to begin using the building. I shared about how between Doc's cancer, death, and then my fall it has been an interesting road. His response touched me greatly. "I'm sure it has. You've had a load put on you, a test but it appears you passed!" Nothing I do or did is because of me but because of God in me. He is my strength. I am so thankful for the way He was with me yesterday. I am thankful we are one step closer to being in the building. I am thankful for the way He encourages me. Last night I came across something I wrote many years ago. "My Daddy always said 'don't be afraid of anything.' What I believe is fears can be overcome with the Lord's help." Woo hoo! I am so grateful for the way my earthly Daddy and my heavenly Daddy love me so much! I do not have to fear anything but instead just need to allow my Heavenly Father to love me through circumstances. Yesterday as I waited for six plus hours for the inspector to come I filled my time with reading, sermon writing, Scripture, praying, talking to friends who encourage me greatly, etc. I felt at peace with the situation until the truck pulled in. I started to feel an uneasiness until I saw it was Michael who had been the one who came out for inspections when Doc was still alive. I received a peace from my Heavenly Father right then and was blessed to hear we passed. We will receive the Certificate of Occupancy once the fire marshal comes and does his check. I go back to so many Scriptures but especially am blessed with Jeremiah 17:7 this morning. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” I trust God with every aspect of my life. It is because of such trust that I have confidence in doing whatever He puts before me.

I'm not a warrior
I'm too afraid to lose
I feel unqualified for what you're calling me to
But Lord with your strength
I've got no excuse
'Cause broken people are exactly who you use

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

You took a shepherd boy
And made him a King
So I'm gonna trust you and give you everything
I'll be a conquerer
'Cause you fight for me
I'll be a champion claiming your victory

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being with me through such an emotional day yesterday! Thank You for everyone You put in my path to encourage me! Thank You for the building inspection passing! Lord, I pray You will continue to guide me as we get ready to meet in the building. Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of You! I pray You will ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. I pray You will give strength to those going through difficult times. Matt and Carrie with little Ivy being diagnosed with leukemia; Linda and Kaye as they continue recuperating from back surgery; Pastor James with the loss of his father; Robin with the loss of her father; and so many others going through difficult times. Thank You for my neighbors who are always here for me when I send a text! Chris, Sarah and Brad, and my new neighbors Jessica and Tim. May You bless them in abundance as they go throughout  their day. Thank You for the work Bob and Chris will get accomplished today at the building! Thank You for Clay who reminded me of things needed for the building! Thank You for my phone conversations with my friend Edie, my sister Linda, my Momma, and Rickey yesterday! Lord, You are so good at giving me exactly what I need and I am so grateful for You. Thank You for the calmness You put over me last night after I read Psalm 91! What a blessing to be able to quickly fall asleep! Thank You for being My Victory! Amen.

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