Saturday, June 27, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Almost Home"

Cancer stinks! He sucks the life out of you and your loved ones. It is so hard to live with yet God continues to give us strength. Yesterday that strength came in the form of a man by the name of Jose. He encouraged me by sharing his story of having stage 3 cancer that had spread to two other parts of his body over the last eight years. As he shared his story, he praised God for every day of life given to him. He praised Him for his wife who took care of their four children while caring for him. I praised God for Jose's story and for seeing him working a full-time job even after going through all of this. God reminded me of my friend Billie who just had a mastectomy this week as a precaution due to her situation. He had me pray for her as she recuperates along with her family. She stays so positive and encourages me greatly. He reminded me of Shari who had a biopsy this week after being told she had lung cancer. The result was NO cancer. Woo hoo! I'm so grateful for those results for her. My prayer list of people with cancer is so, so long. Sometimes it is overwhelming to go through but I never stop praying for miracles to happen in people's lives. My God is still in the miracle making business. He still gives hope. I was reminded yesterday of something Doc says frequently. 'As long as I have breathe, there is hope.' Yes! God continues to give us exactly what we need to get through each day. Yesterday when the pump came off a patch was put on his stomach for 24 hours. I don't know if it is from the pump or the patch but he has been miserable. It's so hard to see him in this state. It's hard to not be able to help ease his pain and discomfort. It's hard to be up multiple times during the night. Plain and simple. It's hard. But thank God we have Him to depend on. I will stand in His love and empowerment as Paul talks of in II Timothy 1:7 to not just get through the day ahead but to shine brightly for Him. I will not allow the enemy to creep in with doubts and fears but instead will allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen me. God woke me up with the song Almost Home and the tears are falling. This song is sad yet it gives hope. Our time on this earth is short-term. When we are in relationship with God, our time with Him is long-term. Praise His Holy Name for that knowledge!

Well this road will be hard
But we win in the end
Simply because of Jesus in us
It's not if but when
So take joy in the journey
Even when it feels long
Oh find strength in each step
Knowing heaven is cheering you on

We are almost home
Brother it won't be long
Soon all your burdens will be gone
With all your strength
Sister run wild run free
Hold up your head
Keep pressing on
We are almost home

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your empowerment to not just get through the day ahead but to shine for You! Thank You for the strength You are going to give both of us physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and most of all spiritually! Thank You for being with Doc as he goes through these awful side effects! Lord, may You be greater than his issues today. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with Yourself. May You be seen/heard in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. Lord, be with all of those who are dealing with cancer and/or treatments. My list is so long but Father I especially want to remember: Jose as he blessed me yesterday with his testimony; Billie as she recuperates from surgery; Linda as she finishes up treatments; and so many others. I also pray blessings upon David and his family from the bike accident and so many who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Lord, may Your presence be with them in a mighty way. I especially ask for Your presence to be with Nurse Sybil Freeman's family and friends as they grieve her loss from COVID-19 and for Matt and Stephanie's loss with his grandmother's death. Lord, be greater than their hurts. 
Thank You for being My Home! Amen.

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