Wednesday, April 1, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Rescuer"

As I was getting ready this morning, the thought went through my mind that I felt like it was one of the early morning surgery days we had for one of us. Then I chuckled because getting up at 7AM to leave the house by 8AM is not early. We have fallen into some habits that might be hard to break when life goes back to ‘normal’! Sleeping in instead of getting up to the clock is one of them. Some of the habits we’ve started are good ones. Filling our home with worship music, listening to sermons throughout the week, having more contact with people even though it can’t be in person…these are all things I believe God intended for this time. I go back to something Brother Dan said a couple nights ago in his sermon. ‘God is waiting on us to wait on Him!’ Yes! How do we wait on Him? By being still. By being in His presence. By listening instead of talking in our prayers. The world has stopped being crazy in one sense right now. Schedules have slowed with some even coming to a complete stop. We can no longer say ‘I’m too busy’ or ‘There just aren’t enough hours in my day.’ This time with the coronavirus is a gift from God. It is a time where He desires us to be living in His Holy Spirit more than ever before. It is a time where many people are hurting greatly. They are at the end of themselves which gives us the opportunity to share His love with them in a way they will be open. We may have to get creative in how this will be accomplished but it can and will be accomplished. He didn’t just call us to do His will but He equips us in the process. He will provide the tools necessary for us to be successful in fulfilling the desires of His heart. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment throughout these days. My heart hurts for many. I feel such a burden for those not in relationship with Him and for those who have accepted Him into their heart but refuse to go further with Him. My heart hurts for front-line workers and their families. My heart hurts for people who are dying all alone because of this virus. Plain and simple. My heart hurts. As I was praying this morning I thought about people who are without income yet still have bills. My prayers began with asking God to provide for them but then the Holy Spirit checked me. If everything is provided, people don’t need God. We have to get to the end of ourselves before that realization occurs. As I prayed for protection over front-line workers, I asked God to put people before them who will encourage them. God loves all of us so much. He desires for us to love with His love. This looks different at this time but it still needs accomplished. I pray God will open doors not normally open for me throughout these days. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for being My Hope! Thank You for bot only speaking to me but having me in a place where I can hear You! Lord, today is not how we thought it would be. We didn’t think chemo was going to happen this week. I pray You will heal through this treatment. I pray for Doc’s pain to be lessened after it. I also pray for You to be so real to him as he doesn’t want to take it. May You be his peace this morning in a more intentional way. Father, my heart breaks for the young mother who died from complications of childbirth. May You be her family’s peace. It breaks for families with loved ones in the hospital dying yet they cannot be with them due to this virus. Most of all it breaks for all the people who are not in relationship with You. Father, we have so many with hardened hearts. May something be said or done to chisel away at their heart. Thank You for being My Rescuer! Amen.


Sandi said...

I do not know how people do even normal life without Him.

My Strength said...

Me either, Sandi! God is my strength every day! If it were not for His empowerment, I would not be here today. Blessings on your day!