Sunday, January 13, 2019

Romans 12:1-2 - "From The Inside Out"

Marriage can be very challenging. There are some marriages that do not last the challenges. There are some that may last in the sense of time yet are not really marriages. It can be difficult when one in the marriage is a believer and the other isn't. It also can be difficult when communication lines break down. Many times when there is a death of a child, a marriage crumbles due to one or the other partner placing blame on the other or feeling guilty themselves. Being in ministry can be a joy in a marriage when both people accept what the Lord puts in their lives and support one another. It is very difficult to get through the demands of ministry in a marriage. Time demands can take a toll on a couple in ministry. There is little time for nurturing a marriage when one is pouring themselves into the lives of others. But there has to be time made or there will no longer be a marriage. Sometimes the demands from others on a pastor's time can be so great their spouse and children feel abandon. The same thing they try to work on in other's lives can be what they need worked on in their own lives yet when they do they feel guilty. It is so important for there to be family and couple time in a pastor's life. If there isn't, there will be no family or spouse there. This is what God had me praying about during the night for pastors. As I sat in a roomful of pastors and laity yesterday, I prayed for the marriages of pastors. I prayed for pastors with small children who were there instead of being with their families. I prayed for those who had missed out on their child's event to be at the meeting. I prayed for pastors to have openness to what the Lord was telling them about how to make time for their spouse and family. I prayed for those there who need healing in their marriages to seek God's direction. I prayed for those who need to not feel guilty about time spent with their spouse. During the night as I prayed for pastors I was prompted to pray for those who are so discouraged with the circumstances of their church to realize their attitude is spilling over into their home life. I prayed for them to realize the impact of that before anymore effect happened in their families. I prayed against stress in their homes due to the ministry. It is no wonder so many leave the pastorate. All we need to do is be completely surrendered to His will. When one lives such a life, it does not mean life is a bed of roses but it does mean God's strength is with them. It means His wisdom is their wisdom. It means there will be peace in the midst of the storms. As a pastor lives surrendered to His will, they will realize they must make time for their spouse and family to be surrendered to God. God does not call any of us to be alone but instead calls us to be strengthen by Him to do what He puts before us. If God gives us a spouse, He expects us to love that spouse just as He expects us to love Him. He expects us to respect that spouse just as He expects us to respect Him. This goes for not only pastors but everyone. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to pray for pastors, their spouses, and their families. Thank You for brining some specific pastors to my mind to pray for. Lord, may all pastors be right with You as they go into the pulpit. May they accept Your will for their lives instead of trying to pastor in their own strength. May marriages be restored as they realize the need to make time for their spouse. May families be restored as they realize the gift given to them through their spouse and children. May hurt feelings be gone as they have open eyes to what their spouse and children need. May spouses and children feel love that has been missing in their relationship. Father, Your love needs accepted in many lives. Your love conquers all. Your love heals all hurts. I pray for Your love to be the soothing balm needed in the personal lives of pastors who are struggling with their marriage and family. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May all who hear me today, hear You. May all who see my actions and attitude, see You. I pray this especially for Doc and my family. Thank You Jesus for being The One to Bless Me! Amen.

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