Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Hebrews 12:1-3 - "Blessings"

The Lord took me to Hebrews 12 this morning and had me ponder upon the first three verses. When I went to find a picture to put the Scripture on, He led me to this one I took a couple weeks ago. It was a getting ready to storm but we were having some much needed 'us' time and sat at the waterfront park swinging for a bit one evening. As I look at this picture this morning and think about what He has said to me I am reminded even when things look 'ugly' He is still there. The light coming through the dark clouds tells me He is always looking over us. These verses tell me we must keep living for the Lord, doing His work even through times of darkness or bleakness. It will only be then that we will win the race. The race set before us is that of service, sufferings and obedience. We are not on our own but rather have the supernatural empowerment of Him. I love how these verses describe Him as our "Perfecter of Faith"! Woo hoo! It takes a lot of faith to run the course He sets before us. Sometimes the course doesn't make sense. Sometimes it is hurtful. Sometimes it takes more perseverance than we ever thought possible. But most importantly it is doable when He is our Focus. This morning I was thinking about Jeremy's family and how their course had a detour. This detour was one they never expected but they are doing their best to keep their focus. I was also thinking about the detour Eli's family is on as they search for answers with his health. My prayers have been and will continue to be with both of these families. I also was praying again for those effected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. I continue to pray for Irma to go back out to sea but her path is unknown. No matter what happens we must keep our faith and know God is in control. He will give us wisdom on leaving our home and He will protect us. He also will give us opportunities to be Him to others if that happens.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You shower us with Your love. Thank You for the way You use me to pray for others. What a privilege to know You entrust me to this task. Father, today You have heard my prayers for different ones. I also pray for a healing touch upon Doc as he works in pain. I pray for others who are in pain to find Your peace. Sometimes that means a healing and sometimes that means hearing from You. Whatever it takes, Lord. Whatever it takes. Lord, fill me to overflowing with more of You. Fill me up so You ooze out of me. Be my words, actions, attitude and focus throughout this day so people will know You are living in me. Build my faith more than it has ever been before. Thank You Jesus for being My Perfecter of Faith. Amen.

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