Sunday, March 6, 2016

I Peter 1:16b - "Oceans"

Last night was full of prayers for pastors. Many are under attack right now. The Lord calls men and women to be ministry leaders. The enemy uses people to crush them. The Lord calls men and women to be holy people. Many are not living that sort of life. In turn this makes them more vulnerable to the darts thrown by the people. He had me praying the full armor of God to be upon them as they minister today. He also brought some specific pastors to my mind to pray for...
  • the pastor who is retiring today to be blessed
  • the pastor who is on vacation to be renewed
  • the pastor who will stand before their congregation today and look out to see many who are tearing them apart with their words and actions
  • the pastor who is physically challenged and recently told by one in their congregation they were no longer effective and need to move on
  • the pastor who is doing ministry without their spouse after many years
  • the pastor who is discouraged because they feel like they are preaching to a brick wall
  • the new pastor who is doubting he can fulfill the call upon his life
  • the pastor who is in a season of not hearing from the Lord
  • the pastor who is so discouraged over low attendance
  • the pastor who feels like they are losing the battle with the church finances
  • the pastor who feels like he is giving 110% but not appreciated by their congregation
  • the pastor who is having trouble with following the Lord's words of I Peter 1:16b...Be holy, for I am holy.
The Lord also had me praying for the people in churches to think before speaking words that tear their pastor down. He had me pray the enemy out of the trying situations the pastors are in.  He had me pray for people to realize the respect the Lord desires of them to give their pastor. He had me pray for pastors and ministry leaders to seek Him totally and quit trying to please the people. He had me pray they will look to Him for His strength.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for using me as a vessel for healing in many of my pastor friends. Thank You for guiding my prayers. Sometimes it is hard to pray for ones I am close to because I tend to pray what I want instead of Your will. Father, Your will is the desire of my heart. For some of the ones I prayed for that will mean a healing in their relationship with their present congregation. For some it will mean a move. For some it will mean things will get worse before they get better. Your will...Your will. Lord, I pray for Your words to be on the lips of all ministry leaders today. Your actions be their actions. I pray these things for myself. Father, fill me to overflowing so people will see and hear You in and through me today. Thank You Jesus for being My Armor. Amen.

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