Wednesday, January 13, 2016

II Samuel 22:31 - "Good, Good Father"

Cause You are perfect in all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways
You are perfect in all of Your ways to us

Third morning in a row the Lord has woke me up singing "Good, Good Father" and once again I am blessed in knowing He is that to me. But I have to wonder what I am missing with this song. Or maybe I am not missing anything but instead He is cementing it in my mind. I do know He is perfect in all that He does. Right now in my little world people would look at me and think my life is definitely not perfect. But just because I am using a cane doesn't mean it is not perfect. Just because I am not functioning 'normal' does not mean it is not perfect. What makes it perfect is the fact that I am being obedient to the Lord. I am listening to Him. I am being blessed by waiting on Him. I know He will give me exactly what I need, when I need it in my physical body, emotional body, mental body but most of all my spiritual body. Woo hoo! That is what makes my life perfect! I have faith in Him that He is with me and will do what is best in His eyes for me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being the Perfect Father! Thank You for knowing exactly what I need in my life! Thank You for giving me a deeper faith in this time of waiting! Lord, You know the desires of my heart and I know You will give them to me because they are in Your will. Father, as I wait I pray for more of You...fill me to overflowing...ooze out of me! Father, I do not know why You woke me in the middle of the night to pray for the young girl who lost her mother a year or two ago. I have not seen her for so long. But I trust You know that prayer was needed. Father, thank You for speaking to me! Thank You for being My Perfect Father! Amen.

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