I woke up this morning singing Francesca Battistelli's song "He Knows My Name" and wondered what the Lord wanted me to get from it. As I took a look at the lyrics I thought about how many people feel "…less than perfect…" in the world's eyes yet their Heavenly Father sees them as being exactly what He wants of them. The world sees flaws in our bodies where the Lord sees us as being a creation of His doing. The world sees our downfalls yet the Lord sees our trials that develop perseverance in our character.
I found this interview with Francesca interesting…
This is one of my favorite songs on the album. I think it is so fun. It is so timely and so needed in this generation. For me, I know my whole life I have struggled with believing what other people say about me. To listen to the voices of the world in our culture and people in general, whether it is good or bad, I put too much stock in what other people think and say about me. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter.
The fact that the God of the universe--Who created every atom on this planet and every star in the sky--knows my name and calls me by name, and even named me, there's such a power in knowing and understanding what that means. For me, it's an anthem, and I really hope this song can become that for young women and young men, everyone from kids to grandparents.
We all need to be reminded that God calls us forgiven, chosen, wanted and loved. That's the inspiration behind the song, wanting to get that out there and remind people that the name that matters is the one that God gives us.
It is a song that talks about how when you look in the mirror and think you wouldn't choose yourself, and about the insecurities we all have. That's a common and universal feeling that we all have, as we wonder why God would call us or use us or name us. For me, especially, the song plays on what I do for a living: "I don't need my name in lights I'm famous in my Father's eyes."
Even in this job that I have, this song reminds me that no matter how I did today as a Christian, that's not what it is about. Rather than think about how I am ministering the Gospel or beating myself up and wonder why God is using me at all, the good thing is that it doesn't matter.
God can use anybody who is available to Him. I can't do any of this in my own strength. He brought me here, and He gets the glory. That applies no matter what you do in life. This song is about celebrating what God calls us. He calls us loved and forgiven and chosen and free and beautiful. He knows our names. There really is something amazing about that. If you think about the billions of people on earth and everything God has created, it is amazing how He specifically knows you by name and He loves you so much. I hope people feel encouraged when they hear it.
Romans 12:2 (The Voice): "Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete."
I think about the video Doc showed last Sunday with God chiseling away the stuff that didn't belong in the one man. He got rid of different aspects that didn't belong, lust, anger…different things. If God created us and lives in us, then how can we have those things in us? Plain and simple. He gives us free choice. The ways of the world come into our lives in the blink of an eye. We must be on our guard against that happening. In order to stay pure, we must be able to hear the Lord's voice. We must live out Ephesians 2:10. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we cab do the good things He planned for us long ago.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder this morning that You created me to be just who I am. You created me to look like I do. You call "…me chosen, free forgiven, wanted, child of the King…" I love the lyrics that go, "His forever, held in treasure..I am loved…" Woo hoo! I feel so special in Your eyes, Lord. I may not be seen as special in people's eyes but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I stay in relationship with You in such a way that not only do I hear Your voice but I follow Your lead. Father, in order for that to happen I know I must have more of You and less of me. That is my daily prayer. Lord, direct my steps today to go where You so desire. I pray for Your words to flow from my lips. Lord, You know what is on the calendar today but please keep me aware of any chances to be You to people today. Give me what I need to minister to this family who has lost their loved one. Thank You Jesus for being My Creator. Amen.