Thursday, July 31, 2014
Psalm 62:5-8 - "Where there's a will…"
I was talking with one who is so far away from the Lord. Their living circumstances were not the best. They lost their job, had no vehicle and started doing things from before that were not of the Lord. They were giving excuses on why their life was so messed up. My response was:
Sorry to hear but you know the only One who can help you is Jesus. He is there for You. BUT you have to want to change…drinking is not the answer. I will continue to pray for you. Know that we love you and care about you…
This person is so caught up in junk of the world. It doesn't help that there are no believers in their daily life. They started coming to church and stopping by the house but then fell back into the ugly ways of this world. Their life seems hopeless to them. But it doesn't have to be that way. No matter what we are going through there is always hope when we have the Lord. I think of some verses of Psalm 62….
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. (Psalm 62:5-8)
This is where we all need to live in order to have the hope of Christ. We need to live in "…God alone…" We need to depend upon Him to be our "…rock…salvation;" We need to realize when junk of this world comes our way we do not have to be shaken. We need to claim Him as our "…mighty rock…refuge." In order for us to live this life, we first must accept Him and then we must surrender everything to Him.
I loved a post on Facebook written by Dan Bohi about a service...
"It was a demonstration of Gods transforming power to effect change in our spirit soul and body. Jesus you are to be praised."
God has the power to change our whole being. For those who need to accept Him, He has the power. For those who need to surrender to Him, He has the power. For those who need to be healed in physical bodies, He has the power. The first step for His power to be unleashed is for us to have the desire in our hearts for a transformation.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for second chances. Thank You for giving hope when there is no hope. Thank You for loving us enough to put desires in our hearts for You. Father, I pray specially for this one who I talked with. I pray for a change in their life that will cause a great transformation. Lord, I know first though there has to be a desire in their heart. I pray for that. Thank You Jesus for all that You have done for me in my past and all that You will do for me in my future. Bless the ones who are going through tough times. Lord, bring them to the end of themselves so they will choose You. Thank You Lord for being My Hope. Amen.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Matthew 6:10; Revelation 21:4 - Overwhelmed
Cancer…death…accidents…tragedies…all of these things make me stop and wonder why the Lord allows such things. I know many people say that He causes them to happen but that's not so. It comes back to the whole issue of free choice and the decisions we make. Of course, it makes me wonder about cancer. Some people's cancer can be attributed to smoking and the way we eat. But some people live a healthy life style and still get it. Why? How? And then to hear of issues of babies being physically abused. Once again, why? It's days like this that make me cry out to the Lord for His return. But when I do that then I grieve over those who haven't came into relationship with Him yet. Today is just one of those days where the prayers are so tough and so heavy.
Dear Jesus,
Today I am praying for…
- the four month old with broken bones…thank You Jesus for removing him from his parents care….I continue to pray for protection for him in foster care
- the family who lost their dear sister, daughter, mother, friend to cancer during the night…especially for her Momma who has given up
- the one who lost her uncle to stomach caner last night as she and her family grieves the loss
- the family grieving over the death of their Daddy, husband, grandfather, friend…especially for the dear wife who struggles with her physical health
- the family grieving over the death of their Momma, wife, grandmother, friend to a long battle of cancer
- the family who had three deaths in the last month and are have family members and close friends with two more deaths this week
- the man who is in a courageous battle with cancer
Father, death can be so overwhelming for us as we minister to the grieving. The emotions that come along with it are beyond what is the norm. But with as many times that we've ministered in the last month it is becoming a new norm. I must say it is a norm I don't like but I know you have called us here to be You to the hurting. You have called us here to be a beacon of light in a time of darkness. Help us to shine for You.
Your Word tells us what heaven will be like in Revelation 21:4…there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. This morning I once again am praying Matthew 6:10….on earth as it is in heaven. My heart is overflowing with hurt for many people. I hurt for them. Father, there are many of these deaths that are a time of celebration in the fact that they are with You and for their believing loved ones that is a comfort. But I pray for the ones who don't know You. I pray they will come to know You in a personal way. I pray, Lord, for You to be so real through us as we minister. I pray for more of You and less of us to flow through us. Father, I praise Your Holy Name for the twelve children who accepted You last night at VBS! I also praise Your Holy Name for the way You are going to be right in the center of Miss Clementine's birth.
Thank You Jesus for being My Beacon of Light in this darkness. Amen.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Philippians 4:8 - "Your Love Never Fails"
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
Philippians 4:8
I woke up with "Your Love Never Fails" in my heart. It made me think about something that I recently said that was misunderstood. I was explaining about how when we allow junk of this world into our lives (i.e., music, video games, movies, etc. with foul language, violence or sex) it puts a separation between us and the Lord. It doesn't take our Christianity away but it puts up a wall. The only way to tear that wall down is to live a life of surrender. Surrender to self. Surrender to our checkbook. Surrender to our calendar. Surrender to our attitude. Most importantly to surrender to the world.
"Nothing can separate…I know I still make mistakes; But You have new mercies for me everyday…" Yes! Praise His Holy Name that He never quits loving us. The thing we have to remember is we do have free choice in the decisions we make for our lives. The Lord is a gentleman in that He doesn't push us. He allows us to make decisions of how we want to live. He puts people before us to make us think about Him but He also doesn't always stop the enemy from putting things before us. He wants to see what decision we will make. Of course, the desire of His heart is for us to make the decision to be with Him. When we choose things not of Him, we will no longer experience His peace but we will still have His love.
The Lord wants us to live for Him not only on this earth but also for eternity in heaven. How will that happen? By accepting Him into our heart, believing in Him and confessing our sins. We must go before Him each and every day asking for forgiveness. It's not a one-time thing to do. Not only do we need to ask for forgiveness for things we did wrong but we also need to ask forgiveness for things put before us that we didn't do.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love. Thank You for the encouraging me to live a life of surrender. It is only through Your love that I am capable of living the life I live. Thank You for making "…all things work together for my good." Thank You for being My Love. Amen.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Psalm 37:4 - "My Heart Is Yours"
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
Oh yes, I "take delight in the Lord" and oh my, how He gives me "the desires of my heart." Woo hoo! I feel so blessed in the way He blesses me. He is so awesome in the way He takes care of things, sometimes before I even speak them.
This morning was one of those times. I thought about asking Doc to pray with me before I started my day yet I didn't want to wake him up. As I kissed him goodbye he said, "Let me pray with you." Wow…Lord! You are so awesome! I love when my husband prays for me but it's extra special when I don't ask him to.
Yesterday was another one of those times where the Lord blew me away with taking care of me without me praying about it. Actually, I have prayed before for the situation but not yesterday. I hear stories about Martha Gillenwater and how she would pick up kids all over town and take them to church. Not only did she pick them up but there are stories of her going into their homes to feed and dress them while their parents slept. I haven't went that far but I do make extra efforts to get children to church. Making two trips is a common occurrence, especially since we don't have a church van right now. I have prayed for the Lord to help me to be the "church lady" that will make children want to be in church and have the desire in their heart to live for the Lord. I've asked Him in the past to help me to love the unlovable, especially when it comes to some of the parents we deal with. Two children that I pick up started sitting with me in church. Yesterday they didn't have children's church so they were with me the whole service. When the thought of taking them home went through my mind, the Lord gently reminded me they were right where they needed to be. I'm so grateful for that reminder.
There are some desires of my heart I've been praying for that I am still waiting on but I know in the Lord's time and in His way I will. There are people I care deeply about that need to accept Him into their heart. There are also people I care deeply about that know Him yet haven't surrendered everything to Him that I pray for. There are many relationships that need healed that I pray for. In His time…
Once again this morning I woke up singing "My Heart Is Yours" and felt so blessed in knowing I have surrendered everything to Him. No matter what He asks of me, I will do. No matter where He sends me, I will go.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the desires of my heart. Thank You for loving me and accepting me as Your servant. Lord, I pray for the ones who don't know You and also for the ones who know You but continue to hold onto the world instead of surrendering all to You. I also pray for restoration in relationships. Lord, thank You for using me as a "church lady." The desire of my heart is to be what the children You send my way need. Father, help me to make a difference in their lives. Enable me with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength to love the unlovable. Thank You Jesus for being The One Who Blesses Me. Amen.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Romans 12:2 - "My Heart Is Yours"
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2 ESV
My normal Sunday morning routine was changed up a bit today. I usually wake up early to pray for our church family. I pray for everyone by name that they will not only be in the service but they will be open to the Holy Spirit's leading. As I started going through names, the Lord brought the song "My Heart Is Yours" to my heart. He impressed upon me that there will be people in the service today who need to not only give their lives to the Lord but most importantly to surrender their whole being to Him. In order to live in His Presence, you first must totally surrender to Him.
When I was a little girl, my Daddy would take me to revivals. It didn't matter what church they were in or even if they were in our town. I remember many times of hearing the preacher say, "Now someone needs to settle their life with the Lord. We aren't going to quit at this altar call until all hearts are clear." The church I grew up in didn't have an altar so neither did they do altar calls. I am so thankful for the altar in our church. Many people have been able to get to the point of having a clear heart there.
As I was praying, the Lord impressed upon me that we aren't using the altars enough. People are given the easy way out in settling things with the Lord. There is too much emphasis in churches today to be out at a certain time. Therefore, the days of long altar calls are few and far between. I appreciate when Doc follows the leading of the Holy Spirit at altar call time. I know he has told me before the Holy Spirit prompted him to do the invitation time with people staying in their seat. I would never want him to go against the Holy Spirit but I wonder what the purpose would be in not having people come forward.
Is this a sign of the changing times? Will there come a day where the altars aren't in our church? I sure hope not. To me the altar represents a place I can bring something to the Lord, pray about it and then leave it there. Sure I can do that any place but when I do it at an altar it's easier to not keep carrying it around with me.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for these thoughts this morning to ponder. Thank You for giving me insight on specific prayer requests. This song goes….All to Jesus I surrender; All to You I freely give
I will ever love and trust You; In Your presence I will live. YES! That is how I live each and every day. I'm so grateful for Your Presence in my life. Thank You Jesus for being the One I Surrender To. Amen.
Friday, July 25, 2014
I Corinthians 10:23;31-33 - Permissable
Last night I was having a dream that just didn't really make sense to me. We were on a trip with the teens where we flew into Chicago. At the airport there were five large cars (not limousines) waiting for us to take them to a destination. I was left to drive the last one and we took off on the busy highway. I didn't like driving in the heavy traffic and was crying. All of a sudden Doc pulled off to the side and said they had called him and told him we were only to take four and were to leave one of the cars along side the road and they would pick it up. I was so relieved as I got into his car.
The next thing I know I'm awake and wondering where on earth did that dream come from. A lot of time I will dream and the dreams just don't make sense. This time not only did it not make sense but I heard the Lord speak the words of Paul found in I Corinthians 10:23...
Everything is permissible," but not everything is helpful. "Everything is permissible," but not everything builds up.
Another version reads…
You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is good for you. You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is beneficial.
So then I begin to wonder…what have I done or am thinking of doing that I shouldn't do. This chapter goes onto talking about not causing "…anyone to stumble…" by things we do. I wonder if I am doing something that would do that.
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Dear Jesus,
Please open my eyes to anything that I am doing that would cause someone to stumble. If there is something in my life that is "permissible" yet not something that "is good for me," would you reveal it to me? I don't ever want to be doing something that doesn't glorify you. Thank You Jesus for being the One I Glorify! Amen.
The next thing I know I'm awake and wondering where on earth did that dream come from. A lot of time I will dream and the dreams just don't make sense. This time not only did it not make sense but I heard the Lord speak the words of Paul found in I Corinthians 10:23...
Everything is permissible," but not everything is helpful. "Everything is permissible," but not everything builds up.
Another version reads…
You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is good for you. You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is beneficial.
So then I begin to wonder…what have I done or am thinking of doing that I shouldn't do. This chapter goes onto talking about not causing "…anyone to stumble…" by things we do. I wonder if I am doing something that would do that.
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Dear Jesus,
Please open my eyes to anything that I am doing that would cause someone to stumble. If there is something in my life that is "permissible" yet not something that "is good for me," would you reveal it to me? I don't ever want to be doing something that doesn't glorify you. Thank You Jesus for being the One I Glorify! Amen.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
II Timothy 1:7 - "Footprints In The Sand"/"Carry Me"
Fear…it can be something so crippling. It is so easy to say "don't worry" yet when you are going through something yourself it's hard. Our human nature points us in that direction while our God points us in the direction of trusting Him. When we are scared, does that mean we don't trust God? I don't think so. But I do believe when we allow fear to take over our lives then we are getting low in the trust of the Lord.
I woke up this morning singing "Carry Me" and thought about the poem "Footprints In The Sand."
I am so grateful the Lord promises to never leave me. The words to "Carry Me" reinforce that along with the words to "Footprints In The Sand."
Jesus calm my heart
Come near me please
Lord don't let these worries get the best of me
Oh I believe, that You're still here with me
Cause You meant what You said when You said You'd never leave
Carry me, carry me, carry me now
From my sinking sand to Your solid ground
The only way I'm ever gonna make it out
Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now
God carry me, carry me, carry me now
I love how the Lord gives us gentle reminders He is with us through tough days. A song. A poem. Even this morning in my "Praying Wives Club" prayer...
Empower my husband with the Holy Spirit so that he will be strong and courageous as he goes through his day. Protect him from discouragement and fear by reminding him that You are with him wherever he goes. Show him Your power and might as You fight for him, defend him, and deliver him from harm. (Joshua 1:9)
"Protect him from discouragement and fear by reminding him that You are with him wherever he goes." I added to this II Timothy 1:7. God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but He gives us a spirit of power, love and self-control. It was not by accident the Lord gave us this verse in the ER Tuesday. We must stand strong in trusting Him with these health issue Doc is going through. When I think back on the MS diagnosis, my back surgeries, my cervical surgeries, his knee surgeries…all of the things we have been through with our physical bodies, there were times we were afraid but we never stopped trusting the Lord.
Dear Jesus,
I don't think I should ask you to take away the fear because You are using this situation to draw us closer to You. So instead I ask that You will stay very near to us and encourage us. Lord, I pray when I call this morning I will be able to get an appointment for Doc. But Father only if that is Your will. If we are to go down another path, lead us that direction. The perfect answer to whatever is going on in his body would be an instantaneous healing. We believe You can do that but once again only if it's Your will. Father, enable us to not focus on this today but instead to focus on You and what You desire of us. Lord, today is Doc's sermon day and I can't imagine how that is going to happen today without Your divine intervention. I pray for Him to lean upon You in a mighty way for Your peace. Thank You Jesus for being Our Carrier. Amen.
I woke up this morning singing "Carry Me" and thought about the poem "Footprints In The Sand."
One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."
He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."
- by Margaret Fishback Powers
Jesus calm my heart
Come near me please
Lord don't let these worries get the best of me
Oh I believe, that You're still here with me
Cause You meant what You said when You said You'd never leave
Carry me, carry me, carry me now
From my sinking sand to Your solid ground
The only way I'm ever gonna make it out
Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now
God carry me, carry me, carry me now
I love how the Lord gives us gentle reminders He is with us through tough days. A song. A poem. Even this morning in my "Praying Wives Club" prayer...
Empower my husband with the Holy Spirit so that he will be strong and courageous as he goes through his day. Protect him from discouragement and fear by reminding him that You are with him wherever he goes. Show him Your power and might as You fight for him, defend him, and deliver him from harm. (Joshua 1:9)
"Protect him from discouragement and fear by reminding him that You are with him wherever he goes." I added to this II Timothy 1:7. God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but He gives us a spirit of power, love and self-control. It was not by accident the Lord gave us this verse in the ER Tuesday. We must stand strong in trusting Him with these health issue Doc is going through. When I think back on the MS diagnosis, my back surgeries, my cervical surgeries, his knee surgeries…all of the things we have been through with our physical bodies, there were times we were afraid but we never stopped trusting the Lord.
Dear Jesus,
I don't think I should ask you to take away the fear because You are using this situation to draw us closer to You. So instead I ask that You will stay very near to us and encourage us. Lord, I pray when I call this morning I will be able to get an appointment for Doc. But Father only if that is Your will. If we are to go down another path, lead us that direction. The perfect answer to whatever is going on in his body would be an instantaneous healing. We believe You can do that but once again only if it's Your will. Father, enable us to not focus on this today but instead to focus on You and what You desire of us. Lord, today is Doc's sermon day and I can't imagine how that is going to happen today without Your divine intervention. I pray for Him to lean upon You in a mighty way for Your peace. Thank You Jesus for being Our Carrier. Amen.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Revelation 22:1 - "Dance in the River"
- "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
- (Revelation 22:1)
Heaven has no death. Heaven has no pain. Heaven has no negative thoughts or talk. How do I know these things when I've never been to heaven? I know them because the Lord has told me through His Word and through His Voice. I know them because I have faith in what the Lord has told me.
I remember as a little girl singing a song that went, "I've got a river of life flowing out of me…makes the lame to walk and the blind to see…opens heavens doors, sets the captives free…" It is exciting to think that as a child I sang of Jesus being a river of life in me and now as an adult I am experiencing it in great depth. I have seen miracles in physical bodies. I have seen people set free. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Jesus is a river flowing through me.
As I think about a river on this earth, sometimes it's deep and sometimes it's shallow. It depends upon how much rain there is. That's just like Jesus in me. It depends upon how much I put Him in me on how deep He is in my life. Some rivers have rapids while others are calm and peaceful. That's how life can be. When we surrender to the Lord, we have peace that only comes through a relationship with Him. Even when rapids happen in life there is still peace. Some rivers are clean while others are pretty muddy. Once again that's how our life with the Lord is. He is our Cleanser. When we allow Him full access, there will be such clarity in our lives.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You, thank You, thank You! I am so blessed to have You be the River of Life that flows out of me. Lord, I pray You will be so real to people through me. I ask for an anointing upon me, Lord, where there will be no doubt that You are in me and working through me. Father, sometimes I wonder if I'm effective as Your servant? Am I missing opportunities You put before me? Do people see You in me? Father, I pray they do. I pray for people to come to You through me. Thank You Jesus for being My River of Life. Amen.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
II Timothy 1:7; James 1:12 - Roller Coaster Type of Day
Today has been such a roller coaster type of day. When my hubby got up off the couch, the next thing I knew he had fallen onto the ottoman and said he had no balance. It took us a few minutes but we finally were able to get him into the bedroom to lay down. All kinds of things went through my mind but I kept asking God to give us wisdom on what to do. After a few phone calls to the family doctor we headed to the ER. His balance was a bit better by then so I was able to get him there without calling for help. They did the usual vitals, blood work, etc. and we waited.
When the doctor said, “We are going to do a catscan of the brain” I had flashbacks of being with others who heard those words. Unfortunately, their results were bad and all kinds of thoughts ran through my head. II Timothy 1:7 came to my mind. “God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but gives us a spirit of power, love and self-control.” I told Doc we needed to pray and as I prayed I said that scripture. It was as if the thoughts were erased out of my mind. I was at peace that the Lord had everything taken care of. I thought of the scripture that has been in my thoughts the last couple of days about “...the battle belongs to the Lord.” I knew this battle, whatever it entailed, belonged to the Lord. I also knew I had nothing to fear because of the Lord.
During the hour of waiting Pastor James came to see us. Earlier he had asked if we needed anything and I told him we were OK. For a split second the fear came back because I wondered if the Lord had him there because of the news we were going to get. As fast as the thought came in, it went away.
Our Great Physician used the doctors to determine what tests to run and the catscan and EKG both came back OK. The doctor determined the high BP was causing the dizziness and headache. The vertigo caused his balance to be off. All of his blood work came back good except for an elevated blood sugar. Praise the Lord! When the doctor came in with all of the good news, I felt so blessed. I know things could have been so different but the Lord blessed us.
Sometimes with my MS I feel guilty for doing as well as I do when others with MS don’t. I started to feel that same kind of guilt with the diagnosis for my hubby but then the Lord gave me James 1:12.
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
When we prayed, we prayed in faith and believing the Lord heard us. We also prayed in such a way that we received immediate peace and didn’t allow the enemy a foothold in the area of fear. The Lord told me we passed His test. Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus! As the evening went on, I could have fretted over Doc still not feeling well but I knew the Lord has him in His hands and I refuse to allow the enemy any in-road into my thoughts.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving us this test and also for encouraging us through the process. Lord, I pray for continued healing in Doc’s body. Thank You Jesus for loving us so greatly. Amen.
I Samuel 17:47 - "Jesus, Alive In Us"
I woke up this morning singing "Jesus, Alive In Us" and immediately felt so blessed.
Great is Your love
Let the whole earth sing
Let the whole earth sing
You reached for us
From on heaven's throne
When we had no hope
You are the way
There is no other
You are the way
There is no other
Woo hoo! The Lord is the Only Way for us to live. Without Him we are nothing. Yes, we can look around and see people that appear to have everything but if they don't have the Lord there is an emptiness in them they can't explain.
The enemy is under Your feet
We are free
We are free
Death has been defeated by love
You overcome
You overcome
The enemy is under Your feet
We are free
We are free
Death has been defeated by love
You overcome
You overcome
You rose from death to victory
You reign in life
Oh majesty
Your name be high and lifted up
Jesus, Jesus alive in us
You rose from death to victory
You reign in life
Oh majesty
Your name be high and lifted up
Jesus, Jesus alive in us
Jesus, Jesus alive in us
I love the reminder this song gives that the Lord is greater than the enemy. "The enemy is under Your feet...We are free…" YES! It goes back to the verse from Sunday's sermon and the one I shared yesterday. I Samuel 17:47...
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.
"…for the battle is the Lord's…" Woo hoo! He is my strength in everything I do. When I come up against the enemy, I need to remember that it is His battle and not my own. The realization of that hit me Sunday as I witnessed the enemy at work. "You rose from death to victory…You reign in life…Oh majesty…" Woo hoo! I do not want to ever make it seem like the Lord's death was for nothing. He died not only to save my sins but to equip me to live a life for Him and with Him. His death is the reason I am here today. Praise His Holy Name!
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for dying on the cross so I might live. I pray my life is one You are proud of. Lord, enable me to recognize the giants in my life that the enemy puts before me. Also, Lord, enable me to allow You to work on those giants. Father, You are so powerful and so good. I praise Your Holy Name for being alive in me. Today is a new day. I know what I think will happen but to be honest that's not what I want. I want this day to be exactly what You, Lord, want. Father, lead my steps and when the giants come knocking enable me to have Your strength to take care of them. Thank You Lord for being My Majesty! Amen.
Great is Your love
Let the whole earth sing
Let the whole earth sing
You reached for us
From on heaven's throne
When we had no hope
You are the way
There is no other
You are the way
There is no other
Woo hoo! The Lord is the Only Way for us to live. Without Him we are nothing. Yes, we can look around and see people that appear to have everything but if they don't have the Lord there is an emptiness in them they can't explain.
The enemy is under Your feet
We are free
We are free
Death has been defeated by love
You overcome
You overcome
The enemy is under Your feet
We are free
We are free
Death has been defeated by love
You overcome
You overcome
You rose from death to victory
You reign in life
Oh majesty
Your name be high and lifted up
Jesus, Jesus alive in us
You rose from death to victory
You reign in life
Oh majesty
Your name be high and lifted up
Jesus, Jesus alive in us
Jesus, Jesus alive in us
I love the reminder this song gives that the Lord is greater than the enemy. "The enemy is under Your feet...We are free…" YES! It goes back to the verse from Sunday's sermon and the one I shared yesterday. I Samuel 17:47...
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.
"…for the battle is the Lord's…" Woo hoo! He is my strength in everything I do. When I come up against the enemy, I need to remember that it is His battle and not my own. The realization of that hit me Sunday as I witnessed the enemy at work. "You rose from death to victory…You reign in life…Oh majesty…" Woo hoo! I do not want to ever make it seem like the Lord's death was for nothing. He died not only to save my sins but to equip me to live a life for Him and with Him. His death is the reason I am here today. Praise His Holy Name!
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for dying on the cross so I might live. I pray my life is one You are proud of. Lord, enable me to recognize the giants in my life that the enemy puts before me. Also, Lord, enable me to allow You to work on those giants. Father, You are so powerful and so good. I praise Your Holy Name for being alive in me. Today is a new day. I know what I think will happen but to be honest that's not what I want. I want this day to be exactly what You, Lord, want. Father, lead my steps and when the giants come knocking enable me to have Your strength to take care of them. Thank You Lord for being My Majesty! Amen.
Monday, July 21, 2014
I Peter 5:8-9; I Samuel 17:47 - "Do Something"
What a sermon Doc preached yesterday! The "funny" part was it wasn't even the sermon he was prepared to give. The Lord took parts of it and changed it up. I love when that happens but I don't think Doc likes it too much. As people were leaving, some commented on how Doc stepped on their toes but they were thankful he did.
The second point to his sermon was "The Battle Is Over You." It was in this area that I believe people (including myself) became uncomfortable. He told us we are ineffective as a church. Many are living with a deficit in their spiritual lives. When "Prayer Meeting" is announced, only a couple show up. There are all kinds of excuses given but when you get down to the bottom of it the reason is selfishness. We want to take care of what we want to do before gathering to pray for souls of others. How sad! When we aren't doing as the Lord instructs us to do, we are opening the door to the enemy.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. I Peter 5:8-9
Yesterday I saw first hand the roaring lion go in for a kill. It was not a pretty sight. Afterward, I was anointed at the altar for this one. I prayed against the enemy having a foothold in his life. I loved how Pastor Isaac prayed for not only him but also for all members of his family to be in relationship with the Lord. I had such peace after the anointing. I was taking the situation personal until the Lord revealed to me I Samuel 17:47…
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.
"…for the battle is the Lord's…" Woo hoo! It is not my battle BUT it is up to me to be in prayer for situations such as this. It is up to me to be praying for souls of those who aren't in relationship with Him. It is up to me to pray for those who are playing in the trash of this world and pretending to be followers of Christ. It is up to me to not be selfish with my time or money and to be Jesus to others.
The song "Do Something" comes to my heart this morning...
I woke up this morning
Saw a world full of trouble now
Thought, how’d we ever get so far down
How’s it ever gonna turn around
So I turned my eyes to Heaven
I thought, “God, why don’t You do something?”
Well, I just couldn’t bear the thought of
People living in poverty
Children sold into slavery
The thought disgusted me
So, I shook my fist at Heaven
Said, “God, why don’t You do something?”
He said, “I did, I created you”
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it’s time for us to do something
If not now, then when
Will we see an end
To all this pain
It’s not enough to do nothing
It’s time for us to do something
I’m so tired of talking
About how we are God’s hands and feet
But it’s easier to say than to be
Live like angels of apathy who tell ourselves
It’s alright, “somebody else will do something”
Well, I don’t know about you
But I’m sick and tired of life with no desire
I don’t want a flame, I want a fire
I wanna be the one who stands up and says,
“I’m gonna do something”
We are the salt of the earth
We are a city on a hill
But we’re never gonna change the world
By standing still
No we won’t stand still
No we won’t stand still
No we won’t stand still
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders of my purpose on this earth from yesterday's sermon and the situation I dealt with. Thank You for the prayers of Pastor Isaac that encouraged me. Thank You for loving me so much that You put me on this earth to be Your hands and feet. Lord, I want to be and I want the people of my church to be "…the salt of the earth…" Lord, open our hearts to the desires of your heart. I pray for more people to step up as prayer warriors. I pray for more people to have the desire in their heart to say "I'm gonna do something…" Thank You Jesus for being My Reminder. Amen.
The second point to his sermon was "The Battle Is Over You." It was in this area that I believe people (including myself) became uncomfortable. He told us we are ineffective as a church. Many are living with a deficit in their spiritual lives. When "Prayer Meeting" is announced, only a couple show up. There are all kinds of excuses given but when you get down to the bottom of it the reason is selfishness. We want to take care of what we want to do before gathering to pray for souls of others. How sad! When we aren't doing as the Lord instructs us to do, we are opening the door to the enemy.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. I Peter 5:8-9
Yesterday I saw first hand the roaring lion go in for a kill. It was not a pretty sight. Afterward, I was anointed at the altar for this one. I prayed against the enemy having a foothold in his life. I loved how Pastor Isaac prayed for not only him but also for all members of his family to be in relationship with the Lord. I had such peace after the anointing. I was taking the situation personal until the Lord revealed to me I Samuel 17:47…
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.
"…for the battle is the Lord's…" Woo hoo! It is not my battle BUT it is up to me to be in prayer for situations such as this. It is up to me to be praying for souls of those who aren't in relationship with Him. It is up to me to pray for those who are playing in the trash of this world and pretending to be followers of Christ. It is up to me to not be selfish with my time or money and to be Jesus to others.
The song "Do Something" comes to my heart this morning...
I woke up this morning
Saw a world full of trouble now
Thought, how’d we ever get so far down
How’s it ever gonna turn around
So I turned my eyes to Heaven
I thought, “God, why don’t You do something?”
Well, I just couldn’t bear the thought of
People living in poverty
Children sold into slavery
The thought disgusted me
So, I shook my fist at Heaven
Said, “God, why don’t You do something?”
He said, “I did, I created you”
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it’s time for us to do something
If not now, then when
Will we see an end
To all this pain
It’s not enough to do nothing
It’s time for us to do something
I’m so tired of talking
About how we are God’s hands and feet
But it’s easier to say than to be
Live like angels of apathy who tell ourselves
It’s alright, “somebody else will do something”
Well, I don’t know about you
But I’m sick and tired of life with no desire
I don’t want a flame, I want a fire
I wanna be the one who stands up and says,
“I’m gonna do something”
We are the salt of the earth
We are a city on a hill
But we’re never gonna change the world
By standing still
No we won’t stand still
No we won’t stand still
No we won’t stand still
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders of my purpose on this earth from yesterday's sermon and the situation I dealt with. Thank You for the prayers of Pastor Isaac that encouraged me. Thank You for loving me so much that You put me on this earth to be Your hands and feet. Lord, I want to be and I want the people of my church to be "…the salt of the earth…" Lord, open our hearts to the desires of your heart. I pray for more people to step up as prayer warriors. I pray for more people to have the desire in their heart to say "I'm gonna do something…" Thank You Jesus for being My Reminder. Amen.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Various Scripture - Praying for Pastors
I woke up early praying for our church family and the Lord directed my prayers to pastors who will be going into the pulpit today. He gave me some specific situations to pray for…
- The pastor who is very discouraged with his life. The Lord told me this one needs to get his own life in order before his church will thrive.
- The pastor who is weary with doing everything. The Lord told me he needs to remember Galatians 6:9. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
- The pastor whose congregation will be open to the Holy Spirit and the church will be on fire for the Lord. The Lord told me this pastor needs to be ready for what is to come.
- The pastor who will walk into their church and be hit by fiery darts from the enemy. The Lord said this pastor needs to have on the full armor of God found in Ephesians 6.
- The pastor who needs to have a positive spirit. The Lord said this pastor needs to remember James 1:2-3. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
The Lord also told me to pray for the pastors who have forgotten the call on their life. Many are seeing their call more as a job instead of their ministry.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this time of prayer for pastors this morning. I pray as each pastor goes into the pulpit they will feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon them. I pray for each situation you brought to me today. Lord, remind each pastor of their call. Put someone before them today that will remind them of why they do what they are doing. Encourage their hearts. Give words of encouragement from their people. Thank You Father for the privilege to pray for my pastor friends and their families. Thank You Lord for being My Pastor. Amen.
Praying For Your Pastor is very important. They are serving God and the attacks of the enemy are non ceasing. They must be covered in prayer on a daily basis.
This prayer can be personalized by saying his name instead of the word pastor. If you have areverend or father as they do in the Catholic church, then you can use those words instead ofpastor. Or you can prayer for all pastors.
Praying For Pastors
Ps 31:23..........Father, I thank You that our pastors are faithful,
Ps 31:23..........and that You preserve them.
Prov 28:20........That they abound with blessings,
Gal 6:9.............and do not grow weary in well doing.
Phil 1:6.............That You who began a good work in them will perfect it.
Eph 2:10...........They are Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus,
Heb 13:21.........and equipped in every good thing to do Your will.
Heb 13:21..........Work in them that which is well-pleasing in Your sight.
2Cor 9:8............Let all grace abound toward them, having sufficiency in all things,
2Cor 9:8...........and an abundance for every good work.
2Cor 9:6...........Because they have sowed bountifully, they will reap bountifully,
1Cor 3:6...........and whether they plant or water, Father, You give the increase.
2Cor 2:14..........I pray that they continually triumph in Christ,
2Cor 2:14..........diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
Deut 28:2..........That all blessings come upon them and overtake them,
Deut 28:2..........because they obey the voice of their God.
Ps 32:8.............Instruct them and teach them in the way they should go;
1Cor 2:10..........reveal the deeper things of God to them by Your Spirit.
2Tim 2:21..........Let them be vessels of honor, sanctified and useful for the Master,
2Tim 2:21..........prepared for every good work.
1Pet 5:2...........Shepherding the flock willingly, eagerly, and being an example to them.
1Cor 2:4...........Their speech and preaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and power.
2Tim 4:2...........And they are instant in season and out of season to preach the Word.
Josh 1:3............Every place the soles of their feet tread upon has been given to them.
Deut 31:6..........They are strong and of good courage for You, Lord, go with them.
Ps 27:14...........They wait on You, and You strengthen them in their heart.
Titus 1:5............Help them set in order things that are lacking,
Titus 1:5............and appoint elders in every city.
2Cor 10:4...........I tear down the strongholds over the pulpit.
Ex 17:11............I lift up our pastors and cover them
Heb 12:24..........with the blood of Jesus.
Deut 28.............Sickness and disease shall in no way come near them,
Gal 3:13............for they are redeemed from the curse of the law.
Isa 54:17...........I say that no weapon formed against them will prosper,
Isa 54:17...........and every tongue rising against them shall be shown to be in the wrong.
Cor 12:11..........Father, let the gifts and anointings on their lives come forth.
Luke 1:45..........Birth the things that You have spoken to them in their hearts,
Acts they continually give themselves to prayer
Acts 6:4............and the ministry of the Word.
Ps 31:23..........and that You preserve them.
Prov 28:20........That they abound with blessings,
Gal 6:9.............and do not grow weary in well doing.
Phil 1:6.............That You who began a good work in them will perfect it.
Eph 2:10...........They are Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus,
Heb 13:21.........and equipped in every good thing to do Your will.
Heb 13:21..........Work in them that which is well-pleasing in Your sight.
2Cor 9:8............Let all grace abound toward them, having sufficiency in all things,
2Cor 9:8...........and an abundance for every good work.
2Cor 9:6...........Because they have sowed bountifully, they will reap bountifully,
1Cor 3:6...........and whether they plant or water, Father, You give the increase.
2Cor 2:14..........I pray that they continually triumph in Christ,
2Cor 2:14..........diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
Deut 28:2..........That all blessings come upon them and overtake them,
Deut 28:2..........because they obey the voice of their God.
Ps 32:8.............Instruct them and teach them in the way they should go;
1Cor 2:10..........reveal the deeper things of God to them by Your Spirit.
2Tim 2:21..........Let them be vessels of honor, sanctified and useful for the Master,
2Tim 2:21..........prepared for every good work.
1Pet 5:2...........Shepherding the flock willingly, eagerly, and being an example to them.
1Cor 2:4...........Their speech and preaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and power.
2Tim 4:2...........And they are instant in season and out of season to preach the Word.
Josh 1:3............Every place the soles of their feet tread upon has been given to them.
Deut 31:6..........They are strong and of good courage for You, Lord, go with them.
Ps 27:14...........They wait on You, and You strengthen them in their heart.
Titus 1:5............Help them set in order things that are lacking,
Titus 1:5............and appoint elders in every city.
2Cor 10:4...........I tear down the strongholds over the pulpit.
Ex 17:11............I lift up our pastors and cover them
Heb 12:24..........with the blood of Jesus.
Deut 28.............Sickness and disease shall in no way come near them,
Gal 3:13............for they are redeemed from the curse of the law.
Isa 54:17...........I say that no weapon formed against them will prosper,
Isa 54:17...........and every tongue rising against them shall be shown to be in the wrong.
Cor 12:11..........Father, let the gifts and anointings on their lives come forth.
Luke 1:45..........Birth the things that You have spoken to them in their hearts,
Acts they continually give themselves to prayer
Acts 6:4............and the ministry of the Word.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Matthew 6:9-13 - Temptation
5:15 AM…the Lord wakes me and tells me to pray for two individuals who are dealing with addiction to alcohol. He told me they both are going through something big in their lives and they need to turn to Him instead of the bottle. I prayed for their souls for a long time. The Lord and I talked about how the things they are going through are pretty tough for anyone to go through. When you add in the addiction, the circumstances multiply. Sometimes when I pray for people, I pray for them to hit bottom so they will turn to the Lord. But with these two individuals it seems like they've already hit bottom. They both know who the Lord is and actually have both been in relationship with Him. But the addiction is greater for both of their lives. It's the way they escape reality. I prayed the Lord's prayer for them in the wee hours of the day….
Matthew 6:9-13 “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil… There are so many things on this earth that tempt us into doing things that are not of God. We must be on guard against the enemy at all times in order to stay surrendered to the Lord. Each and every day when we wake up we must ask the Lord to guide our steps as He desires. And each and every night before we go to sleep we must ask Him to forgive us for anything we did wrong and also anything we didn't do that He put before us.
This morning I had a vision of a conversation I had with the one and her family. I was talking to them about what it meant to live a life of surrender. She seemed to be open to the idea but the vision was gone before I saw if she accepted the Lord as her Savior. I pray for this opportunity to talk with her to happen. I also pray for the Lord's words to flow from me just as in the vision. I had a boldness yet I was gentle. I also pray for an opportunity to talk with the other person addicted to the alcohol. I pray the Lord will have our paths cross in the near future.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for using me to be a prayer warrior for these two lives this morning. Thank You for the vision You gave me. Lord, I pray for that vision to unfold. Maybe she isn't ready and that's why the vision was gone before I saw the ending. Lord, in Your time…in Your time. Father, I also thank You for speaking to me yesterday and confirming something in my heart. I was so excited as You spoke. I knew I had to write it down so I wouldn't forget anything You said. Thank You for the piece of paper I found in the glovebox to write on. Thank You for the little things in life that make me know You love me so greatly. Thank You for being My Savior. Amen.
Matthew 6:9-13 “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.”
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil… There are so many things on this earth that tempt us into doing things that are not of God. We must be on guard against the enemy at all times in order to stay surrendered to the Lord. Each and every day when we wake up we must ask the Lord to guide our steps as He desires. And each and every night before we go to sleep we must ask Him to forgive us for anything we did wrong and also anything we didn't do that He put before us.
This morning I had a vision of a conversation I had with the one and her family. I was talking to them about what it meant to live a life of surrender. She seemed to be open to the idea but the vision was gone before I saw if she accepted the Lord as her Savior. I pray for this opportunity to talk with her to happen. I also pray for the Lord's words to flow from me just as in the vision. I had a boldness yet I was gentle. I also pray for an opportunity to talk with the other person addicted to the alcohol. I pray the Lord will have our paths cross in the near future.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for using me to be a prayer warrior for these two lives this morning. Thank You for the vision You gave me. Lord, I pray for that vision to unfold. Maybe she isn't ready and that's why the vision was gone before I saw the ending. Lord, in Your time…in Your time. Father, I also thank You for speaking to me yesterday and confirming something in my heart. I was so excited as You spoke. I knew I had to write it down so I wouldn't forget anything You said. Thank You for the piece of paper I found in the glovebox to write on. Thank You for the little things in life that make me know You love me so greatly. Thank You for being My Savior. Amen.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Psalm 46:10 - "How Sweet The Sound"
As I reflect back on yesterday I am amazed at all of the blessings the Lord gave me. I am so overwhelmed by His love. As I started the day I was a little hesitant with the way I have been feeling but His strength was with me every step of the way. I wrote yesterday morning, "I know He will give me strength to do whatever He desires of me. I also know He will help me to not just get through this day but to thrive." Woo hoo! And that He did.
Thank You Jesus for the prayer Julie shared yesterday morning.

Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;
Rather look to them with full hope that as they arise,
God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely
through all things;
And when you cannot stand it, God will carry you
in His arms.
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
The same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will take care of you today and every day.
He will either shield you from suffering or will give you
unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughts and
Thank You Jesus for the prayer Julie shared yesterday morning.
Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;
Rather look to them with full hope that as they arise,
God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely
through all things;
And when you cannot stand it, God will carry you
in His arms.
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
The same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will take care of you today and every day.
He will either shield you from suffering or will give you
unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughts and
St. Francis de Sales
Thank You Jesus for the wonderful visit I had with one having heart surgery this morning.
Thank You Jesus for the way You ministered through us at the graveside service for the baby.
Thank You Jesus for the reminder of Dr Diehl's charge over me at Doc's ordination to have a gentle spirit and to be joyful.
Thank You Jesus for time with friends last night and the wonderful concert.
No matter what happens throughout my days I know the Lord is with me. No matter where He directs my path I know He is in control. I am living such a blessed live in His Presence. There is no better place to be. Wherever He leads, I will follow. Whatever He asks of me, I will do. I am in total submission to Him.
Last night as I was singing "How Sweet the Sound" along with Citizen Way I was overwhelmed by just how much He cares for me.
Carry me through the waters
Where Your peace clears away all my sorrow
And nothing can separate us from Your love
Oh Your love it will always be
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
I hear You singing over me
I once was lost but now I'm found
And it's beautiful
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
It covers every part of me
My soul is silent, I am found
And it's a beautiful sound
It's a beautiful, beautiful sound
Where Your peace clears away all my sorrow
And nothing can separate us from Your love
Oh Your love it will always be
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
I hear You singing over me
I once was lost but now I'm found
And it's beautiful
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
It covers every part of me
My soul is silent, I am found
And it's a beautiful sound
It's a beautiful, beautiful sound
"My soul is silent…" Made me stop and think about what the Lord told me last week about being still. I truly believe the only way to hear from the Lord is to be surrendered to Him in every aspect of my life. I also believe in order to hear we must be still. I was reading a commentary about Psalm 46:10 (Be still and know that I am God.) One pastor said it's like God is saying "Shut up and know that I am God." I personally don't think God would use the "s" word but I can imagine Him getting fed up with us because we are always asking Him for things instead of just listening to Him. I'm grateful I learned the meaning of being still.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and for the blessings in store for today. Thank You for Your amazing grace, Your unconditional love, and Your words of encouragement. Lord, wherever You lead, I will follow. Whatever the desires of Your heart are for me, I will do. I am totally surrendered to You, Lord. Thank You for being My Blesser! Amen.
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